
Making a serious commitment fills you with fear. Don't sign a contract or even make a verbal agreement, or you'll regret it later. If you're torn about what to do, ask a female relative. This woman will see the truth of the situation. Follow her advice to the letter. A good job could become available near your home. Having a short commute will give you more time for your favourite activities. True, you'll have lots of responsibility, but you can handle it.

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The inability to buy what you want makes you really angry. You're tired of scrimping and saving while everybody else goes hog wild with their credit cards. What you don't realise is their irresponsible behaviour will come back to haunt them. You're better off living within your means. Fortunately, a close friend is poised to share their wealth with you. You may be invited to accompany them on a holiday or take care of their home while they're away.

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You want nothing more to jump on the next plane to an exotic country, but work is holding you back. It's so tempting to throw it all away for the sake of fun, but now is not the time for hasty moves. An elderly relative or youngster needs your care. If you don't assume this burden, who will? The good news is that you'll actually grow to love this bond. Attending to their needs will give you a whole new perspective on courage, love, and honour.

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It feels as though you're being forced to assume a mask for someone else's comfort. This makes you really angry. You'd rather be accepted for who you are than embraced for some silly illusion. If neither is possible, this frees you to pursue more authentic relationships. Unfortunately, a friend is pressuring you to maintain this facade, at least for the next few weeks. It's time to put your foot down, or this deception will lead to even worse things.

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Money could tear a good friendship apart if you're not careful; neither a lender nor a borrower be. If you are short of cash, you need to find ways to stretch your existing resources. Fortunately, you have a wonderful chance to increase your earnings. This will involve working behind the scenes. Although it irks you to be thrust into the background, you can't deny the money isn't welcome. Count your blessings. If you do well, you'll go on to bigger and better things.

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You can put up with a lot, but even you have your breaking point. An intimate relationship is about to come apart, due to your loved one's angry outbursts. You're tired of being made to feel as though you're a millstone around someone's neck. You would be an asset to any relationship and it's high time you saw yourself as the gem you truly are or you'll continue to suffer the slings and arrows of an ungrateful partner.

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You may not get a job due to a lack of experience. If you're going to avoid this situation, you need to go back address this, maybe serve as an apprentice. Everybody has to pay their dues before reaching the top. Fortunately, you're ready to scale back your social life in favour of study. The prospect of spending long hours at the library or workroom is actually pleasant. You're tired of flitting from one thing to another, feeling like you have no purpose.

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You deeply resent having to shoulder the responsibility for fickle friends and relatives. Part of the problem is you enable their behaviour. It's time to stop making excuses and standing in for loved ones. If disaster follows, so be it. Until they take the consequences for their actions, they won't change their ways. Maybe it's time to seek out more mature company. An experienced colleague will be a great confidante. He seems to intuitively know your situation.

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It may be necessary to do some emergency home repairs. Don't put off a minor problem, or it will develop into a very serious situation. Fortunately, a repairperson with a good reputation is ready to help. You might even get a good discount, thanks to a mutual friendship. Resist the urge to take out your frustration on a friend, lover, or colleague or you'll be consumed by guilt once the tension subsides. Hit the gym when anxiety sets in.

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Machinery could go down, leaving you high and dry or without a computer or phone. Panic may be your first reaction. Take a few deep breaths and lower your heart rate. Once you get used to living without this equipment, pleasure could set in. Take this opportunity to enjoy some old fashioned pastimes, like cooking a meal with loved ones or writing a letter to a friend who lives far away. The new ways aren't necessarily the best ones.

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A sudden change of fortune could throw a wrench into holiday plans. The prospect of staying put while everybody else goes away makes you very angry. After all, you've worked hard to earn this break. Unfortunately, you're the only person around who can handle some serious responsibilities. Try not to dwell on your disappointment. By doing a good job with the job ahead, you'll pave the way for an even nicer break in a few months' time. Keep your chin up.

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Your erratic behaviour is causing tremendous problems for a relative or roommate. If this man lashes out at you, it's probably because you deserve it. A home needs stability if it is going to operate smoothly. Learn to check your impulses for the sake of the greater good. Follow the example of an older, mature friend who always puts you at ease. Contrary to popular belief, you can change your ways. All it takes is a little effort and lots of discipline.

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