
You'll have to work hard to break a bad habit. Eating healthier foods, getting more sleep, and taking daily exercise are all essential components to your regime. Don't skimp on any of them. The results of your work will be evident to all. You'll have more energy and enthusiasm for life. Be honest when an authority figure asks your opinion. Your candour will put you in line for an impressive job or promotion. Be sure to ask for a salary appropriate to such a position.

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If you've been considering a career change, check out opportunities related to entertainment, gambling, or childcare. Finding a job involving an element of risk will prove fun. In the past, you've performed jobs which involve long, hard hours and little enjoyment. Perhaps these positions have prompted you to think of work as drudgery. Nothing could be farther from the truth, however. Fortunately, a well connected friend is prepared to give you entry into an institution where great emphasis is placed on pleasure.

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Dealing with household matters takes a load off your mind. Getting a specialist to deal with faulty plumbing or wiring may be expensive, but at least the problem will be solved. Besides, letting the trouble linger will probably lead to more excessive damage. Nip this problem in the bud, even at the risk of taking a temporary financial hit. The good news is you could get a refund, insurance settlement, or inheritance just in time to cover the debt.

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Write down detailed instructions on paper to ensure your wishes are carried out. The more specific you are, the less room for error there will be. Going on a trip with your amour will prove thrilling. The two of you will enjoy a change of scenery. If you are single, you may want to schedule a trip abroad. The chances for meeting someone special on this journey are very strong. Be sure to follow up on an idea for a creative project.

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Saving money for future emergencies is a good idea. You're the type of person who benefits from a financial cushion, because it allows you freedom of choice. There's no reason to stick with a miserable job if you have savings to sustain you. Strangely, it's much easier to put up with stress at work when you know you have options. What would normally feel like an intolerable situation now feels like a minor nuisance. Be firm with a relative who tries to take advantage.

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Conducting yourself with understated dignity gets your point across. A neighbour, sibling, or salesperson may try to pressure you into something you'd rather not do. Stand firm. Your ability to stand your ground will win points with an onlooker. Don't be surprised if this person offers you a position at a religious or cultural institution. These days, it's rare to meet someone who has the courage of their convictions. An amorous confession of love gives your ego a big boost.

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Be willing to accept a responsibility beneath your skill set. Your hard working humility will put you in line for a well paid job. Alternatively, you could be given a pay raise as thanks for your cooperation. Use this money for household expenses. If you don't own your place, think about buying one. If you are happy with your present living situation, purchase some beautiful furniture. You have a special affinity for antiques, and could find some at very good prices.

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Working with a group gives you confidence; if you were left to your own devices, you might be prone to depression or discouragement. Now you have a friend to help you past stubborn obstacles. With these people at your side, anything is possible. You may have to have sharp words with someone whose stuffy thinking is holding back the group. Encouragement and enthusiasm win the day. Taking a course will give you the skills to tackle a difficult task yourself.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Put your organisational skills to use. You're very good at putting lazy people to work. Maybe it's because they feel ashamed when they see how much you can accomplish all by yourself. Nobody has the right to complain when they're in your presence, because you do the work of three. Trust your intuition when it comes to an angry male colleague. He's probably frustrated his talents aren't being put to use. Give him a difficult job. He'll rise to the task magnificently.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're determined to learn as much as you can about a religion, culture, or language. Fortunately, you're blessed with remarkable powers of concentration. If you focus on listening more than you speak, you'll acquire a great deal of knowledge. Your teacher admires your positive attitude, and may offer to tutor you privately. Accept this generous offer immediately. Golden opportunities like these are few and far between.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Undergoing a personal transformation will be hard work, but your efforts will pay off. It may help to set small, attainable goals at first. Your resolve will double with each victory. Reward yourself by spending more time on solitary activities. Lately, you've been giving lots of your time to friends, family, and neighbours. This has made you short tempered and irritable. Your natural good spirits will return when you're able to be alone with your thoughts.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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This is a good time to sign a contract or enter into a partnership; you work well with those who are detail oriented. They can attend the niggling details that wear on your nerves, while you focus on the big picture. Be prepared to weather their scepticism at first; it will soon turn to admiration. Joining a professional organisation could double your clientele. Who you know is just as important as what you know. Be prepared to fight for a matter of justice.

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