
Beware of betraying someone's trust by repeating information about their personal life. In your desire to tell an interesting story, you could do your friend a serious disservice. Err on the side of discretion. If someone asks you a direct question about a loved one's personal life, feign ignorance. You wouldn't want your privacy destroyed by a thoughtless remark. Be just as vigilant about protecting other people's secrets. Keep your distance form a nosy neighbour who is always trying to dig up salacious material.

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Your need to feel stable is stopping you from making necessary changes. Unless you venture into unfamiliar territory, you'll be stuck in an oppressive situation. Let a friend introduce you to new hobby, exotic cuisine or cutting edge art form. It will take time to develop an appreciation for their passion, but it will happen. You're just unaccustomed to rapidly changing pace. Becoming versatile takes practice. Seize as many opportunities as you can to expand your horizons. This will make you a better person all round.

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Your self confidence will be mistaken as arrogance. Be willing to defer to someone who has lots of experience. They aren't as talented as you are, but you don't have to lord your superiority over them. By being kind and deferential, you'll make a good impression on a powerful executive. It will take time to land the sort of job you are hoping for, so be patient. Take this opportunity to establish good professional relationships at every level of the organisation. These alliances will serve you well.

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You want to believe the best about everyone, so it comes as a shock when a manipulator reveals their true colours. Keep your distance from someone who has toyed with your affections. Letting them back into your life will only cause more heartache. If you have to work together, keep things professional. Always be poised in their presence. If they try to upset you, think about finding another job. There's no reason you should subject yourself to this continual torture.

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Getting close to someone special will be difficult. There's a difference between somebody who plays hard to get and a person who does not want to get romantically involved. Stop pouring all your energy into a relationship that has no future. Keep playing the field. Eventually, you'll meet someone who wants to be with you all the time. Do you already have a romantic partner? It's time to address some financial difficulties. You'll both have to be more fiscally responsible to forge a secure future.

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A desire for control is undermining your relationships. Stop monitoring a loved one's every move. By demonstrating faith in their judgement, you'll strengthen your bond. If you have difficulty letting go, take up an engrossing hobby. This will make the time fly while your amour is pursuing their interests. When you reunite, there will be plenty to discuss. Home life will seem less oppressive. You might even decide to move closer to an area that offers more cultural stimulation.

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Your desire for freedom hurts someone who wants to forge a close bond. It's important to set them free if you have no intention of making a commitment. Stop making excuses for your behaviour. Even if you've made your intentions known, your admirer has their heart set on having an exclusive relationship. You have to be the one to cut the cord. It might even be necessary to leave your job. This is inconvenient, but it's better than staying in each other's orbit.

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A financial shortage is making you anxious. You want to enjoy a life of luxury, but can't do this if you're constantly accumulating debt. Devise a plan to pay your bills as quickly as possible. If you're in over your head, contact a money expert. They may advise declaring bankruptcy. This will give you a chance to make a fresh start. Turning a new page will make your zest for life return. You'll reconnect with a desire to create art, music and beauty.

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A loved one accuses you of being superficial. That's because they can't get you to take problems seriously. When they express concern over a destructive habit of yours, you just laugh off their remarks. This makes your amour feel slighted. If you're going to stay together, you should be more respectful. Make an effort to change your ways, even if it's inconvenient at first. All relationships require an element of sacrifice. Insisting on always getting your way will result in a breakup.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Being too rigid will make life difficult at work. Stop insisting colleagues perform tasks a certain way to satisfy your sense of order. By making allowances for their styles, you'll see a dramatic improvement. Eventually, everyone will stop complaining about each other. Harmony will replace resentment. You'll even start meeting outside of the office. Becoming friends with your fellow workers will make your daily responsibilities much more pleasant. Don't be surprised when profits soar. The most successful businesses are comprised of a happy workforce.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Your love life isn't rewarding. It isn't much fun to be with someone who seems perpetually bored. Instead of going through the motions with them, break things off. There are plenty of fish in the sea and one of them is just right for you. Are you in a committed partnership? You should work harder to make your union more spontaneous and exciting. Stop going to all the familiar places and try something new. Take a trip to somewhere neither of you has visited before and explore it together.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You are vulnerable and moody. A relative's teasing insults hit too close to home. Make it clear you don't welcome such remarks. You might be accused of being a spoilsport, but stick to your guns. There's no reason to endure a dynamic that makes you miserable. Many times, people treat your sensitivity like a shortcoming. These same critics are always confessing their problems to you when the going gets rough. Stop feeling bad for being perceptive. In many ways, it's one of your nicest qualities.

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