
A strong network of close friends helps you cope with the busy life you are now leading. In circumstances where you would rather not get professional help, assistance is almost always available from neighbours, friends or colleagues who know what they're talking about. Expressing your needs comes easily when you're with people who do not judge or criticise. Sometimes life gets in the way of relationships but today, relationships help make your life so much easier.

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You're becoming a creature of habit, only opting for what is familiar and safe and avoiding risk and challenge. Your life could be more interesting and more rewarding by filling it with creativity. A future of never ending adventures may not particularly appeal but you would appreciate something new to do every day. Find a dance class, learn to play a musical instrument, join an art group or writers' circle. Start living life for yourself; happiness starts with you.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You might be sorely disappointed if a friend or colleague is reluctant to embrace change. New technology or production methods being introduced into your work situation won't please those with a 'but we've always done it this way' attitude. Mistakes occurring now really shouldn't take as long to sort out as they are doing. It's entirely possible the wrong people are trying to resolve them.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Whether it's at work, home, your love life or in a friendship, if you aren't happy, change things. If you dislike your job the odds are you will bring that misery to your home and family; they don't need this. Some social commitments are too tying and keep you from your loved ones; these need to be reduced or ended. In some circumstances just walking away is the ideal solution. In others, you need to plan ahead and slowly make necessary changes.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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You normally feel confident about your abilities; today you have control over yourself but not over your environment. Something will occur to alert you to the fact not everything in life is safe, secure and predictable. Sometimes a transition from one set of circumstances to another occurs suddenly and unexpectedly. This may force you to having to let go of ties you had started to take for granted. Try to accept the changes occurring now as a healthy part of life.

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Whatever your intentions, the initiative will be taken out of your hands; someone close is making plans for you now. Circumstances beyond your control could cause a degree of frustration but amusement too. A friend or loved one is having problems over matters in which you are knowledgeable and skilful. Their attempts to pick your mind will be subtle at first but once you realise what they're up to, you won't mind lending a helping hand.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You're inclined to let a partner make the choices in a situation that's causing problems. In the long run this won't prove so trouble free. If you give your power to another person, this will eventually make you miserable and despondent. All control in this relationship will be taken out of your hands and you will be expected to put yourself last; this is a big mistake. Be honest about your feelings and insist on having an equal say in joint matters.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Someone is so unhappy with a situation at work or within a social group; they're ready to walk out. You might sense this and if you value their friendship there are things you can do to help. It could be other members of the team are plain wrong in the way they speak and behave towards them. Managing the situation could mean forbidding any kind of discriminatory behaviour. To do this you will need the support of your boss or another higher up.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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It's difficult to judge how some things might turn out if you've never been through such experiences before. Whether you're excited or hesitant about what's going on, motivation is part of the package. You can't really feel inspired if you've no interest in a project, venture or scheme in the first place. On the other hand, if you're keen on new ideas and want to be a part of these, it will be easier to focus on your goals and go after them.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A tense situation must be acknowledged and dealt with; don't bury your head in the sand. Be up front with the person you're having problems with and tell them how you feel. If they have offended or upset you, let them know it or they could easily repeat the same mistake again. Similarly, if you have said something to hurt someone's feelings ask them to explain why. Be generous, reach out and this could influence the situation for the good.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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If you rush to deal with new duties while trying to keep on top of others, sooner or later you will fall behind. Others won't be reluctant to lend a hand if you let them know you need it. There could be a lot of coming and going with friends and relatives popping in and out of your life all day long. Most people will be supportive and helpful. Someone is in a slightly aggressive and mischief making mood and your best tactic when they're around is to ignore them.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Someone you aren't sure about tries to earn your trust; their efforts won't banish your sceptical attitude altogether. Maybe they have disappointed you or let you down in the past so it will take time before you can trust them again. In a work situation, it is not a good idea to argue with a senior colleague even if you don't agree with them. Learn to pick your battles and consider the consequences of being antagonistic with your boss.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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