
You're driven to make strides in your domestic life, but slow down. Rushing a home improvement project will result in disaster. Take the time to find a reliable tradesman. Ask friends on social media for references. In situations like these, word of mouth is often the best way to find a competent worker. When it comes to your family, go easy on a relative who is having a difficult time. Putting pressure on them to make an important decision will make a bad situation worse. Be compassionate.

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Someone is pressuring you to make a choice. Unfortunately, you don't like any of your options. Continue to withhold your opinion until a better alternative arrives. It will help to do your own research. You could find a vendor, therapy or product that is much better than anything you have been offered. By making a compelling case for your discovery, you'll avoid a terrible mistake. Fortunately, your peers respect you. They'll support you when others try to cut corners and take the cheaper, easier route.

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When you're presented with an unreasonably high bill, stay calm. Go over each item with a fine toothed comb. If you find you've been charged for things you didn't request, make detailed notes. It may develop other consumers have had a similar problem. By drawing this issue to a supervisor's attention, you will be given a drastically reduced invoice. It just goes to show you have to be your own advocate. Threaten to notify the media if your demand for a smaller rate is met with refusal.

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Someone who pelts you with praise has an ulterior motive. Don't be so quick to grant this charmer special privileges. If you do, you will incur some serious losses. You can still enforce the rules while being pleasant. Don't be surprised when the individual who once professed your perfection gets nasty in response. This will tell you everything you have to know about their character. People with no conscience treat others like pawns in a game. By refusing to participate in this twisted contest, you'll emerge victorious.

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Hide your sensitivity from someone who is famous for taking advantage of others. If this manipulator detects a chink in your armour, they'll try to use it to their advantage. Don't betray your feelings when they give you backhanded compliments. Remain calm when you refute their outrageous accusations. Slow your pace if they try exerting pressure on you. This pest will slink away like a salted snail once you demonstrate a total indifference to their devious tactics.

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Although you're well organised, events will conspire to undermine plans. Stay calm and breathe deep. Reach out to a poised friend who is very good at managing stress. When people pressure you to cut corners, defend your approach. You can't possibly do a good job when you're being rushed. You understand there is an impending deadline. You'll do the best you can to meet it. Because you are a human being, you cannot defy the laws of time and space.

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A desire for harmony can get you into trouble. Someone who keeps asking you to run errands and accept more work has to be stopped. By establishing a healthy boundary, you'll give yourself the gift of free time. Be prepared for a fight when this imposing figure takes umbrage at your refusal. Do not feel guilty when they accuse you of being selfish. There is absolutely no reason you should accept more work than you currently perform. If they have difficulty completing their own assignments, that is their problem.

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Someone who always expects you to change your plans is in for a big disappointment. Do not cancel an outing you have been anticipating for months. If they can't join you, that's too bad. You'll have a wonderful time by yourself. Too often, people expect you to accommodate their unpredictable schedule. You have been understanding in the past, which has caused ongoing abuse. Put your foot down. Friends and loved ones have to respect your plans. Your time is just as important as theirs.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You'll be given an exciting project that appeals to your intellect. Acquiring skills gives your confidence a much needed boost. If you're looking for love, you'll find it much easier to approach people who catch your interest. Are you already in a relationship? Be more assertive about your needs. Tell, write or show your amour exactly what you want. Be gentle and playful when making your demands. This will usher in a golden period for your relationship. Going on a relaxing holiday together is strongly advised.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Adopting a soft approach to a rival will work wonders. You have a reputation for being a taskmaster. When colleagues deal with you, they expect to be taken to task. Instead of listing all the things they should be doing, praise their contributions instead. Ask them how they are faring with their current work load. Listen sympathetically to their responses. When others feel validated, they will work twice as hard to please you. Spend the entire day giving positive feedback and keep from offering criticism.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Keep pressing yourself to make a big change. Although it's never comfortable to venture into unfamiliar territory, it's an important part of the growth process. You can't gain ground in an atmosphere poisoned by fear. Head for greener pastures. If you're looking for work, you will find it at a company famous for treating its staff well. Your new employer will not only welcome your innovative approach, but reward you for it. Are you thinking of ending a relationship? Don't get involved with someone else right away. Heal first.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're eager for a rest from all the drama. Submerging yourself in a good book or movie will be a welcome release. Don't check your email or phone for a few hours. Travelling to a world of imagination will help you recover from a constant bombardment of information. Modern life can take a toll on your senses. It isn't healthy for you to subject yourself to a constant stream of information, much of it distressing. Take a break from all the noise.

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