
Stop neglecting your abilities. If you've always wanted to become proficient at a sport, publish a book or start a humanitarian organisation, now is the time to do so. Push past feelings of inadequacy. Channel your role model whenever taking the next step. Getting an advanced degree will greatly improve your professional prospects. You're a fast learner who will enjoy the challenge of expanding your horizons. Best of all, you'll become good friends with many of your fellow students. They will share your aims and aspirations.

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A careless mistake fills you with embarrassment. Rather than beat yourself up for being human, give yourself a treat. Enjoy an ice cream cone, get a massage or splash out on something fashionable and stylish. The fastest way to recover is through gentle encouragement. Use your tremendous willpower to overcome a bad habit or begin a good one. You have a rare opportunity to realise a cherished goal. The secret to your success is an ability to fully focus on your desire.

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Misuse of power will come back to haunt you. Instead of using your influence to benefit your favourite people, look for choices that will benefit the whole group. Make an occasional sacrifice that will allow other members of the team to shine. This is a good time to take a business risk. Pairing up with someone who has lots of experience will be good for you. Defer to their expertise when it comes to setting priorities. Don't hesitate to offer suggestions when you think you can improve on a formula.

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Being judgmental will only make you miserable. If other people are getting under your skin, stop focusing on their behaviour. Imagine them as small children. Give them the praise and encouragement we all need to thrive. These relationships will improve very quickly. Best of all, you'll stop being so hard on yourself. Those who are always evaluating people are usually deeply unhappy. They're trying to assess their own worth. Get into the habit of giving yourself three sincere compliments a day.

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Jealousy will rear its ugly head. You must get some healthy emotional distance from the object of your desire. There is no way to force someone's affection. The best way to cultivate love is to treat yourself well. Stop obsessing over shortcomings and focus on strengths. Splash out on tickets to a play, concert or discussion. You'll have a wonderful time. Being in the same room with someone's work you admire will inspire you. Don't be surprised if you begin work on a creative project when you get home.

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An important project has been delayed. Don't panic. Instead of pressing officials to give permission and send funds, attend to small responsibilities. The biggest obstacle to progress is anxiety. Things will move more quickly when you stop falling victim to stress and start feeling productive. Home life is a source of comfort. Ask your family to pamper and pet you. They'll be happy to lavish you with affection, since you're always so selfless with them. What goes around, comes around.

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You're not sociable. The prospect of attending a party fills you with dread. Tell the host you aren't coming and enjoy a solitary evening. Order your favourite takeaway and watch a movie that makes you happy. Feeding your depleted soul will make you more outgoing. Take a friend's movie or reading recommendation. This work will have deep meaning for you. Don't be surprised when you're inspired to make an important move, like taking a course or even recording a podcast.

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It feels like the whole world is against you. The prospect of mixing with a hostile group fills you with dread. You're sorely tempted to walk away from a toxic situation and never come back. Stop what you're doing. Take deep breaths. Summon your courage. Forge ahead with a business idea. This concept will earn lots of money. Providing goods and services to a neglected community will cultivate a loyal customer base. You'll take pride in making these people's lives much easier.

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A reversal of fortune is only temporary. Things will get better when you're ready to let go of your disappointment. Whether you must find a new job, move to another place or rein in your spending is unimportant. There are better days ahead. Your expansive personality attracts opportunities like a magnet. Don't hesitate to tell friends, relatives and neighbours about your needs. Someone will hear of a situation that seems tailor made for you. Your benefactor will be eager to repay you for all the kindness you've given to them.

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Injustice makes you angry. Instead of raging against the machine, accept the situation. Treat it as a catalyst to create better rules and conditions for future generations. Gather together with people who share your concerns. You'll make the world a better place. Spending time alone will ease your anger. It takes a great deal of energy to appeal to other people's higher selves. The best way to recover from these encounters is to turn your attention inward. Enjoy contemplative activities like reading, writing, meditation or prayer.

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Chaotic surroundings make it difficult to think clearly. If you're working with someone who is messy, try creating out your own space that is visually separate from theirs. Do you live with someone who is sloppy? Discuss how their habits are affecting you. You'll make valuable connections at a party. Introduce yourself to an upbeat character who catches your eye. You're both adventurous people who will bring joy to each other's lives. There's a good chance you'll take an overseas trip together.

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Don't pretend to be interested in a subject that bores you. It's one thing to listen politely when someone talks about their favourite topic; it's another to act like it has personal meaning. The last thing you want is to be exposed as a phony. An extraordinary career opportunity is on the way. Dress in a way that makes you comfortable and confident. Making a good impression will pave the way to a big promotion or desirable creative assignment.

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