
Friends have undue influence on your values. Right now, you have to make an ethical choice. Instead of asking your nearest and dearest, consult your own heart. It will lead you in the right direction. You might have to stick with a distasteful job in order to make ends meet. Alternatively, it may be necessary to stop indulging some vices. Maintaining stability trumps satisfying your needs. If others mock your choices, so be it. You're the one who has to live with the consequences.

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You won't be able to use your social position to evade personal responsibility. Stop looking for others to do your job and roll up your sleeves. Yes, these duties seem incredibly petty now you are immersed in an important project. Still, nothing absolves you from doing the tasks that are expected of every member of the team. Once you make some progress, you'll feel much better. You simply can't move forward until you empty your inbox and go through your voicemail.

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Someone with questionable values has captivated you. Be very wary about joining forces with this rogue. Although you admire their provocative questions, you know their logic is flawed. Right now, you have to make a good impression on the public. If people see you associating with a rascal, they'll doubt your sincerity. Cut this friendship off now, while it's in the early stages or you could fall victim to a terrible scam. No one is immune to this con artist's machinations.

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Your financial situation isn't as secure as you think. It's important to create secure passwords for your accounts, and check their balances daily. These days, everyone is vulnerable to identity theft. If you share an account with a lover, you have to establish one of your own, too. Nobody else should have access to this fund but you. It's only common sense. By having a secret cache of your own, you'll retain your independence. That's critical to any healthy relationship.

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Stop fooling yourself into thinking your primary responsibility is work. Spending more time with your partner is critical. Yes, your boss won't be happy when you announce you can't put in more overtime. They'll just have to live with their disappointment. The only reason you're working is to provide a secure foundation for your private life. If you lose sight of your most important relationships, your career will become empty and pointless. Are you single? It may be because you put too much emphasis on your job.

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An improper diagnosis is complicating your health. It's time to get a second opinion. Seek out a medical professional who has lots of experience in their field. Alternative therapies have their merit, but your situation needs a more traditional approach. If you're looking for work, you'll need to get some additional training. All of your experience is admirable, but you've got to supplement it with knowledge of the latest technologies. Fortunately, you're a fast learner and will have no problem acquiring new skills.

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Romance has a way of clouding your logic. Just because you feel a profound physical pull towards someone doesn't mean you will be good partners. You need someone who is both sensual and intellectual. If you can't have a decent conversation with your lover, you'll quickly become bored. Are you in a committed relationship that feels stale? Think about taking a class together. This will give you something to discuss when you're not satisfying each other's sexual needs.

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Family secrets are spilling out, and you're shocked at the level of deception that was involved in keeping them. Still, this realisation gives you an element of freedom. Now nobody can claim you should share all the details of your private life with the group. Establish stronger boundaries with your relatives. Don't let them visit unannounced, or enter your living space without permission. This is not a good time to sign a lease or sell a property.

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Beware of drawing the wrong conclusions about a colleague. There's more to your co worker than meets the eye. Dressing a certain way or ascribing to a certain belief system isn't an indication of stupidity. Take the time to delve a little more deeply into their character. If you said something in anger, be ready to apologise. It's never easy admitting a mistake, but that's better than pretending to be infallible. Even a fair minded person like you can be misled by prejudice.

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You'll need more than money to help a child or lover. The best way to improve their life is to devote quality time to your relationship. There is no doubt you are busy, but you must adjust your priorities. Making money can take a back seat to personal ties. It's possible you will have to get up earlier or go to bed later in order to accommodate your increased workload. So be it.

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Putting up a false front for family is creating problems. It is time to admit how you really feel. Leading a double life is incredibly stressful. You don't have to let your relatives know about all the sordid details, but you should be forthcoming about your true beliefs. At first, they'll be incredulous that you have taken such a radical departure from their way of life. They may even avoid you in the short term. Eventually they'll accept your way of life.

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Don't let fears get in the way of making contact. You've got to talk with a neighbour or relative if you're going to establish stability. Although your past communications have been difficult, that won't be the case this time. The key is being as direct as possible. Don't pretend to have someone's best interests at heart when you really want a favour. An honest approach will pay off handsomely. There's nothing wrong with asking for help. That's why we live in communities.

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