
If you need a plumber, electrician or contractor to do some jobs around the house, ask friends, relatives or neighbours. When it comes to technical tasks like this, it's wise to choose professionals with a good track record. The last thing you want is to have a job left hanging in mid air. Keep that in mind when it comes to your own duties and responsibilities. You won't make any friends if you let contacts, customers or colleagues down and don't do what's expected of you.

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Making your money work for you should be your highest priority. You have a deep appreciation for luxury. Being able to buy the things you love makes you feel safe and secure. When life becomes too difficult, you comfort yourself with beautiful works of art, delicious food and stylish clothes. Some people call you materialistic, but that's not true. You simply have highly developed tastes. Pursue a job that will allow you to indulge your sensual side.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You're more determined than ever to bring your ideas before the public and you enjoy finding solutions to stubborn problems. You don't see any point putting up with poor service and dated procedures. Unfortunately people often resist trying out new ideas. They'd rather stick with what's familiar than take a risk. If you explain yourself clearly and concisely they'll be more receptive to your ideas. Make as many pitches as you possibly can; your powers of persuasion are strong.

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Retreating from the world for a wee while would be a good idea. Lately, you've been making the rounds of parties and social gatherings. While connecting with friends has been fun, it's also been rather tiring. Going on a solitary holiday is strongly recommended. Too often, your desire to make others happy causes you to neglect your own needs. Going away by yourself will allow you to do what you like, when you want. It's time to get back in touch with yourself.

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A group activity can give lots of intellectual stimulation. You're extremely talented, but sometimes need help turning your dreams into realities. Fortunately, you're surrounded by several technically proficient people. Allow them to teach you how to operate tools and software programs. It's never easy for you to play a subordinate role, but try anyway. This change of perspective will make you a better friend, romantic partner and colleague. Everybody has different qualities and abilities.

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A strong will to succeed will prompt you to apply for an important job. Don't be afraid of competing against some capable rivals. You're extremely talented, too. Emphasise your gift for communication. Being able to connect with people from all different walks of life will make you a very attractive candidate for this position. Are you happy with your current employer? Don't be surprised if you're given a raise, promotion or both. This would also be a good time to run for office.

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An interest in distant places may prompt you to learn a foreign country or take an overseas trip. You could get tremendous spiritual fulfilment by exploring a country known for its natural beauty. After returning from this trip, you may decide to change a few things about your life. Adopting a spiritual practice, scaling back your job responsibilities and communing with nature are among the possibilities. Make more time for activities that bring contentment or you could suffer burnout.

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A programme of self improvement will yield impressive results. This is a great time to break a bad habit or establish a new one. If you've been struggling to attain financial freedom, make a plan to pay off your debts. It may help to consolidate your bills so you can simplify your repayment plan. Do you feel like you're in over your head? Meet with a financial guru. An expert may be able to help you craft strategies to get out of the red and into the black.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Spending time with your best friend, lover or business partner will strengthen your resolve. Recently, you've been contemplating a change. Moving to a different town, adopting a fashionable look and pursuing a challenging career are all possibilities. Fortunately, the people in your life are extremely supportive. They'll relieve you of some responsibilities while you focus on your goal. Don't hesitate to ask for help when you feel overwhelmed.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Give more thought to your health and well being. If you are tired, it may be because you are taxing your system with too much sugar, fat or alcohol. A diet that is primarily comprised of fresh produce, lean protein and whole grains can boost your energy. Of course, it also helps to take regular exercise each day. Getting enough sleep is another essential component to good health. It can be difficult to break old habits, but your willpower is very strong right now.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Showing off your unique abilities will be rewarding. You have a different outlook that makes your work compelling. Nobody could ever mistake your efforts for anyone else's. This distinctive style will attract a small but significant fan base. If you've ever wanted to make money from your handiwork, this would be a great time to do so. Are you gifted in the performing arts? Take this opportunity to go on an audition. You'll easily outshine the competition.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Making your home a comfortable gathering place should be easy. Just obey your instincts. Create interesting colour combinations and comfortable seating arrangements. Stock the pantry with food and drink that can be easily served to guests at a moment's notice. Invite friends around for cocktails and conversation. The more people get into the habit of visiting, the easier it will be for you to entertain. If you haven't seen your family in a while, this would be a great time to plan a reunion.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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