
Give yourself time to digest new ideas before you even think about reacting. First impressions may not be lasting; be prepared to change your views and attitude once you've really thought about what you see or hear. Beliefs instilled from childhood could be shattered when alternative viewpoints sound more credible. You witness proof of what someone truly believes in, through their actions and not just through words.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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An artistic or creative project will keep you happily occupied and away from temptations you are trying to avoid. Your accomplishments might come as a surprise, even to yourself. You may have to put up with some jealousy from a workmate. You can safely ignore their comments as they can do no harm and the quality of your work will bring you all the prestige and acknowledgement you need.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Family affairs are about to undergo some form of change or transformation. This may be due to a house move or new career developments. A housemate will be stunned by the suddenness of it all, even though you've been trying to prepare them for this eventuality. The changes occurring now aren't as abrupt as some are making them out to be. Even so, it will take a wee while before everyone settles and feels more secure.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You've never ignored your instincts and that's why you will be following your intuition today. It is not always an easy task to tune into the inner you. To gain access to your subconscious, meditation might help you stop all the inner chatter in your head and wait for its instruction. It would never do for you to get so caught up in the world that you forget to be mindful and receptive. You need to feel in touch with your emotions and spirit.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Challenges arise from temporary changes but you will face them with a smile. You are determined to show someone you can't be discouraged no matter what hurdles you have to go through. Even so, dealing with unexpected problems will sap your energy and you won't be in the mood for any evening entertainment. It shouldn't be too difficult to persuade a loved one you would prefer to stay at home and take it easy

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Your boss or a senior colleague may not be making the best decisions; they don't expect you to criticise. If you feel someone's professional judgement is at fault, confronting the person concerned may only lead to an argument with no real resolution. Take the matter up with an official or third party who might help get others to see the error of their ways. Someone is making unexpectedly heavy demands on your time and energy.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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A friend or colleague's strange ways are starting to annoy you, especially when they're rubbing a recent achievement in your face. Just because they snapped up an opportunity before anyone else had a chance to, doesn't make them any better than others. Don't let your annoyance show. If others are so sure of their opinions they aren't interested in what you have to say, why bother wasting your breath trying to explain!

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Despite having an invitation to travel, it will be much easier on your nerves to stay at home and relax. Romance or friendship activities should provide some compensation. Take full advantage of any chance you might get to forget all about work, responsibilities and similar mundane events. Instead, indulge in daydreaming in the company of special friends and aim to enjoy a splendidly delightful, idle day.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You may have to work through a few issues of a personal nature and you would rather do this alone. Not being able to tell a partner or loved one how you feel is causing problems in your relationship. It seems like some of the things you've been concealing from others have been hidden at a price. If hiding your emotions is causing misunderstandings, spend some time thinking of ways you can reach out to those closest to you.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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All the good and helpful things someone could have said would have made a difference to how you feel right now. A friend or colleague's scathing remark has hit a nerve but you're determined not to let it show. Sometimes in tight situations people just don't think and it is entirely possible they won't even realise how much their words have hurt you. Once they do, the fact you didn't respond in a hostile way all works in your favour.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Energy fizzles out incredibly quickly; home and work responsibilities seem like a waste of time. You're feeling exhausted and nothing seems to inspire you. Stress could affect your health, making you tense, tired and nervous. The harder you try to motivate yourself, the worse it gets. You've been working too hard and there hasn't been enough time for relaxation. Take a break today and nourish your creative side.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You feel more or less forced to give a domestic matter more attention. Others are expecting your cooperation and you know it would be childish to let them down. Some tasks might seem like an uphill struggle; you won't be sorry to see the end of them. Once you've done your bit to keep everyone happy, spend a little time outside in the open. Too much time spent confined indoors will only make you tense and irritable.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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