
You're torn between exploring virgin territory and expanding opportunities. When in doubt, choose the unfamiliar. Today marks an exciting turning point for you. Summon your considerable courage and strike out in a new direction. You've always thrived on challenges. Prepare to burst into flower!

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Fight the urge to pour all of your resources into a questionable venture, especially if pals or relatives are involved. You've worked too hard to squander your money on a pie-in-the-sky proposal. A security oriented person like you should invest conservatively. The returns are small, but will build up over time.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Doors are starting to open for you, much to the dismay of someone who wants things to stay the same. Your insatiable curiosity won't allow you to hold back, so be prepared for a battle. It's hard for you to understand why people are willing to live life under glass. Know that your more expansive attitude is much healthier.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You're feeling pushed and pulled from all sides, tempting you to draw back into your shell. Do this if you must, but understand that this won't make your problem go away. Your eagerness to provide comfort to the world has made you a public handkerchief of sorts. Turn away the next time someone tells you a sob story.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Your skilful talents make you an attractive figure to many, but your heart belongs to one person. If you want to make headway in a relationship, why not dedicate a work of art to your beloved? This project may force you to pass on a glamorous invitation, but the sacrifice will seem very small indeed with the rewards that are on offer.

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A feeling of restlessness makes it hard for you to enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Perhaps you've outgrown your present situation. Think about moving on to greener pastures, whether that means finding a new home, different job or more satisfying hobby. Set your ultra practical attitude aside for the moment; you need to dream.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Going away on a long trip may force you to neglect some mundane responsibilities, but excitement comes first. Your spirit of adventure comes as a threat to a dour relative, who thinks you should stay closer to home. Ignore their angry accusations and sulky behaviour. They're just jealous as they can only dream whilst you do!

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Unexpected expenses force you to become more resourceful, but that shouldn't be a problem for you. If it feels as though you're being given a cosmic test of some sort, you're right. Laugh in the face of your troubles and they'll soon disappear. Being calm under pressure is sure to win you favourable attention.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Getting what you want may be a hollow victory, as it could undermine a loved one's cherished plans. Do what comes naturally and be generous. This simple act of kindness could turn things around for you, both financially and romantically. Can you tell that the Universe is giving you a test? Which you can pass with a moment's selflessness.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Resist the urge to enter a gossipy conversation, or you could be the next subject of any ugly diatribes doing the rounds. While it's true you like to examine the dark side of people, you don't do so out of malice. Unfortunately, the folks around you have worse motives. Keep this in mind before revealing nasty secrets or past experiences.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Your happy-go-lucky attitude could cause you to make some foolhardy mistakes with your finances. Although you're not as materialistic as most folks, you still need a positive cash flow. Leave your credit cards and check book at home. You'll be glad you took this prudent action as you'll have more reserves than usual come the end of the month.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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When you're at work, you want to be home, and when you're home, you want to be at work. Perhaps this vice versa situation is because you're avoiding issues in both spheres of life. Sit down in a neutral place and make a list of your goals. Now isn't the time to drift off to the world of wishing and hoping - reality demands that you make decisions.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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