
A powerful physical relationship transforms your life for the better. Having a supportive partner by your side makes it easier to the stresses and strains of life. It also helps you see problems from a slightly different angle. In the past, you refused to even consider other points of view, deeming them irrelevant. Now you are starting to realise how your outlook has limited your options. If you feel you're up against a brick wall, ask someone close for their opinion. They'll alert you to hidden possibilities.

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Take an intimate relationship to the next level. If you're sure this is what you want start making arrangements to get engaged, married or have a commitment ceremony. Alternatively, you might decide to enter into a business partnership or take on a roommate. Hiring an agent, manager, or representative is another possibility. The important thing is to team up with someone who will enrich your life. Two heads are definitely better than one. Besides, you are tired of doing all the work yourself.

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Launching a new diet and exercise regime is strongly advised. It's important to give your body the resources it needs to be productive. Living on coffee and other stimulants will just tax your adrenal system, making you tired and anxious. You should also take care to get enough sleep. You might not be able to sleep the entire night through. If that's the case, arrange to take power naps at odd hours. Creating a relaxing bedtime routine can also improve the quality of your rest.

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Your creative juices are flowing freely. This is an opportune moment to write, paint, play an instrument, dance, or do whatever else your heart desires. Too often, you put your favourite activities aside for the sake of your loved ones. Eventually this will make you angry and resentful. Turn over a new leaf and devote a certain period each day to an artistic endeavour. Exercising your imagination makes you more compassionate and easy going.

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It is important to assert yourself when dealing with members of the family. Some of your relatives still treat you like a youngster while others ignore your expertise. It feels like you can't win. Fortunately, you will have an opportunity to showcase your talent in front of the entire clan. Once you establish yourself as an authority in this area, it will no longer be possible to dismiss you. Go ahead and challenge a decision that has put someone else's needs before your own.

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You will be asked to assume a leadership position in your community. This role affords plenty of prestige. It will be much easier to get work through a bureaucratic agency once you hold this title. Of course, you shouldn't let this power go to your head. Using your influence to benefit the whole community is strongly advised. Resist the urge to give people jobs out of pure patronage. You're better off assigning duties to people who have demonstrated talent and skill in that particular area.

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If you do what you love, the money will follow. You're not the type who can thrive at a company involved in shady practices. Have you always wanted to sell your creative work for a profit? Now is the time to begin. You'll turn a small profit at first. Eventually, word will spread of your talent and you'll get new customers, as well as repeat clients. Use this money to fund a trip or put a deposit on a house. Any purchase that gives you special pleasure is well worth going for.

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You have a golden opportunity to make a fresh start. Take stock of your personal attributes: The good, the bad and the ugly. Be ready to end a bad habit or let go of an old grudge. If you gave up on a dream some time ago, go back to it. There is still time to get an advanced degree or embark on your dream career. Model your behaviour after someone who achieved an elusive goal. You're just as strong and determined as your hero.

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The moment you accept your limitations, life will become much easier. You've accomplished a great deal through your enthusiastic attitude. Some obstacles simply won't give way to positive energy. When this happens, you need to give in gracefully and admit defeat. Falling short of your goals will make you more compassionate towards others. Everybody has experienced some setbacks. How you deal with these challenges builds character. If circumstances seem to be conspiring against you, pick a new dream.

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A friend will make a generous offer you can't refuse. Usually, you're the one extending a helpful hand to others. It feels great to get assistance from somebody else for a change. If you've been longing to make a big transition, now is the time to do so. You have the ability to kick a bad habit, pay off a debt, or repair a troubled relationship. It will take time and perseverance, but you will be successful. An older, experienced relative's advice is worth following.

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A sudden career opportunity will fall in your lap. Although the prospect of assuming a lot of responsibility doesn't thrill you, this job will have plenty of compensations. For instance, you'll be able to dispense with a lot of stuffy rules that have been holding back the company. In their place, you can implement a more dynamic work ethic that rewards innovation. You'll also be able to hire people who value progress over tradition. Prepare to get some favourable attention from your bold work style.

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Getting involved with a religious, educational, or political institution will expand your sphere of influence. Knowing people from different walks of life will teach you valuable skills. It's important to consider your audience before making an appeal. For instance, people who put education ahead of everything else will need different things from those who value spirituality most. Treat this new role as a learning opportunity. If you play your cards right, you will be sent on a glamorous trip overseas.

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