
All you want is to escape your problems. This simply isn't possible. Resist the urge to stay in bed with the covers pulled over your head. It's time to confront a colleague who has been making life miserable for you. Notifying the authorities may not work. It's better to issue a stern warning where nobody can hear you. Fortunately, you can be extremely intimidating when you want. Make it clear you won't tolerate any more abuses. If the problems keep occurring, your enemy will be made to suffer.

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You should beware of getting involved with a radical cause. A highly practical person like you wants to see results. Converting others won't be possible if you seem unreasonable and disrespectful. Formulate a plan designed to yield slow but steady improvements. When people try to block your path, remain calm. Continue to appeal to their common sense. Eventually, a stubborn rival will listen to reason. Getting their help will be a tremendous victory. You can work miracles by putting your natural charm to use.

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It's only natural to have second thoughts about your career. You're the type of person who needs plenty of intellectual stimulation. When a job becomes boring or predictable, you want to move on to greener pastures. That would be a mistake at this juncture. You're on the brink of a tremendous breakthrough. By continuing to meet your responsibilities, you'll be given a big promotion. There's also a chance your boss will step down suddenly, allowing you to take their place.

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A crisis of faith will occur. Believing in something or someone doesn't always pay off. Fate has a way of intervening with best laid plans. People can let you down. When faced with crushing disappointment, summon your courage. Turn your focus inward. Draw on your considerable emotional reserves for strength. It may be time to make a new dream. Reflect on what you value most in the world. Start moving in the direction of your goal. Keeping busy will make you immune to despair.

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It's time to face an unpleasant reality. If you've been suffering with an addiction, get help. Go into recovery, get some counselling and adopt healthier habits. It may be necessary to make an entirely fresh start. Moving across the country or breaking off a toxic relationship can be therapeutic. It's also possible you will overhaul your diet and exercise routine. Treating your body like a temple will require an attitude change. Be willing to conquer bad habits that have been holding you back.

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Jealousy is rearing its ugly head in a relationship. You sense a romantic partner has lost interest. It will take time and effort to command their attention again. Ultimately, you may decide your amour isn't worth the effort. There is a small chance you will see this problem as a personal failure. You have a tendency to get wrapped up in work. If you're going to sustain this relationship, you must continue to wine and dine your partner. Stop taking their affection for granted.

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Stop listening to public opinion. You have to obey your own instincts, especially where dreams are concerned. If you've always wanted to hold down a creative job or live in a resort town, move towards your goal. Tune out naysayers who claim your plans are stupid. Everyone is different; that's what makes the world so interesting. By claiming your unique destiny, you'll be much happier. Sometimes you have to make an unpopular decision to remain true to yourself. Summon your courage.

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You're undergoing an identity crisis. Being in love with two people at once or wanting radically different things at the same time is stressful. Ultimately, you will have to make a choice. A small part of you may never be satisfied with this decision, but it can't be helped. You're simply too complex to achieve total satisfaction with a particular way of life. Be honest about what you really want. You will be surprised to discover you are more conventional than you once thought.

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You long to retreat to the safety and security of simpler times. Unfortunately, that simply isn't possible. A parent or friend won't be able to protect you from a terrible setback. Give yourself the chance to grieve. It will take time and patience to withstand this difficult period. There is no right or wrong way to process your sadness. Allow yourself to curse, scream, or even just remain impassive. Everybody has different ways of dealing with problems. Stop judging and just let the feelings flow freely.

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Someone will deliver a harsh truth. Resist the temptation to bat this unpleasant news away. Let it sink into your consciousness. Once you come to terms with the facts, you'll be able to move in a healthier direction. Break off a troubled alliance. A relative, neighbour or colleague who has been lying to you must be confronted. It may be necessary to fill out a police report or make an official complaint. Make it your mission to ensure this never happens to other innocent people.

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Finding another source of income won't be easy. You want to be a free agent, but a new employer won't be willing to hand over the keys in the early stages. You'll have to earn their trust. This won't be easy. Instead of poking fun at the organisation's rules and regulations, learn to operate within the system. Resist the temptation to defy authority and forge your own way. There will be plenty of time to carve your own niche, as long as you make yourself indispensible in the early stages.

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It will be impossible to contain your anger at a loved one. Normally, you're the peacemaker in any given relationship. There are some situations you simply cannot tolerate. If you feel betrayed, say so. Don't mince words or accept lame apologies. Channel your rage into a creative project. Spending some time apart from your amour will give you a new lease on life. You may decide you're better off going solo. If you do stay together, there had better be some big changes to your union.

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