
If you don't feel like your normal bouncy self it is probably because you have a lot to think about. Far from feeling miserable as someone might imply, you need time to consider all that has occurred over the last few days. Recent developments might bring you inner peace and deep contentment and it might seem strange to feel so tranquil and content!

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Refuse to allow a sense of guilt to stop you from enjoying yourself. Lately you've been putting yourself out for all and sundry. People appreciate your support but you're of no use to others if you don't take time off to calm your nervous system. A loved one can see something you're turning a blind eye to. Hence you should heed the advice or good counsel given from a close friend or relative. This may prove to be the key to your success in certain situations.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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An in law can't seem to see what's in front of their eyes; you wonder whether they're being deliberately obtuse. Someone's naive view about an event which has a number of explanations takes you by surprise. Either they're refusing to face facts or they're not being honest about their opinion. Either way, it's unlikely they'll change their attitude so it's best to let the matter drop!

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Whether it's financial, romantic or social any situation that gives you cause for concern should be faced up to. You might feel tied up with commitments you could do without, bills in need of paying or perhaps trying to secure a loan. Make an effort over the days ahead to rid yourself of this cause of worry. It might even be useful to bring in a friend, relative or a professional to help you bring things under control.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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If something is making you a little down or dreary, cheer yourself up by thinking of the good in your life today. Look at the success you've had in recent relationships. A new acquaintance turned into a friend or even a friend becoming your partner gives you something to be pleased and hopeful about. Whatever has occurred, it will satisfy your idea of a successful relationship and indeed your idea of a successfully dealt with situation!

Get todays Leo horoscope
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A serious chat with a work associate could help you forge a more understanding bond. You could be sharing a few useful tips and you might realise you have found someone who thinks the same as you. If you're thinking of buying a household appliance go to your local retailer to check the best offers available. The evening favours the romantics among you!

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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A close friend may not seem like their usual self and this will give you cause for concern. You would hate to feel someone was upset or distressed and you've not been able to help them. Could it be they'd prefer to sort their problems out for themselves and stand on their own two feet? As sympathetic as you might feel, you're also going to have to read between the lines to find out how you can be of most help.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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A determined effort to clear the decks at home will leave you free to pursue more personal or romantic aims. Half way through an unpleasant task you might wonder why you ever started. It will all be worthwhile once you've got it all out of the way! If you're single, someone you are starting to see a lot of lets you know their feelings. You won't necessarily feel the same way and this could lead to complications!

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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No matter what others might say about you being restless and always on the go, you're in a strictly family mood today. None of the stereotyped getting out and about will outdo a quiet day spent within your own four walls. If this isn't feasible because of work or other commitments then reserve your evening to enjoy the delights of your own place and the social attributes of the family around you.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Sometimes you might feel as if you don't understand someone and they don't properly identify with you. If others could comprehend how you feel and how you worked inside and you knew the same about them, disagreements would be few and far between. The answer is obvious but the question is how do you make this happen? One way to begin perhaps, is to start talking!

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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It might feel as if you're dealing with some heartless, cruel people today. Appealing to someone's good side simply won't work if this side doesn't exist. An associate will be reminding you to keep your feet on the ground as it's a waste of time dealing with obdurate types. You can be a winner if you're discreet in your dealings and if somehow you get around someone by not letting them know what you're up to!

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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If others back out of an arrangement for a get together and this isn't the first time, should a regular event continue? Whether this is a group of like minded people sharing an interest or a meeting of old friends, it might be time to call it a day. Ask yourself too, whether you're getting anything out of this or are you going out of habit? You might find more fulfilment from joining a new club or through cultivating ties with new friends.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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