
Community issues will be a microcosm of a far bigger problem. Some actions will have made a temporary difference but better solutions on the way forward now need to be found. Don't be surprised if you find yourself accepting a leading role in neighbourhood affairs.

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If you don't feel up to doing some jobs, stop putting on a brave face. You don't have to get on with it because you made a commitment. Ask someone else to lend a helping hand or better still to do it for you. People will understand if you must pull out of some arrangements because you feel under the weather.

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Letters, emails and files go missing. You need to check wording as there is confusion about what has actually been said. Someone who owes you money will find more excuses on why they aren't able to pay you back. This is a lesson learned. They won't be borrowing off you again.

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You might believe in the message a demonstration is sending out but you aren't keen on getting involved. You're in need of some peace and quiet. Although you may have supported this cause many times before, you will prefer now to leave it to others to take action.

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You are quite clear about what you want to do with your time. Such things as entertainment, romance, creativity and friendships will spring to your mind. Relaxing pursuits will help your troubles melt away and the stresses of everyday life are temporarily forgotten.

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Keep an eye on what is going on in a group project. If you are in charge, that means that if and when something goes wrong, you will get the blame. Does everyone you are responsible for know what they should be doing and what is being expected from them?

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A housemate or workmate will be quick to remind you of all the favours they have been recently doing for you. It will be clear what is coming next. They're about to ask you to do something for them. Don't feel obliged to agree to their request if you aren't keen on it.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You can only discover the truth by opening discussions and encouraging other people to talk. You are wondering about a relationship or circumstances in which there are more questions than answers. Unless you voice those questions, you will never know where you stand.

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It will become apparent that someone wants more than just friendship from you. You aren't interested in romance and they need to understand you can't just whip up an ardour and passion you don't really feel. Be honest but gentle with them as you let them down.

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There is no reason why you can't make a success of something you have had no experience in before. Believe in yourself. Recently you have made personal sacrifices in order to help out a friend and now they are acting as if they don't want to know.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A housemate or workmate will irritate and frustrate you. They are only willing to see the world from their own perspective and will fail to admit there are other ways of looking at things. A financial question should be settled swiftly if you keep a cool head.

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A loved one is trying to tell you something but they aren't sure how to broach the subject. When they're obviously struggling to get the words out, be patient. You will be grateful, once you hear what they have to say, that they have been sensitive about your own and other people's feelings.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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