
You have lots of chores on your plate, but may not be able to get to everything you'd like. Pace yourself accordingly. There's no point in agonising over the fact you have one pair of hands. Fortunately, your boss understands you are operating at maximum velocity. If you do push yourself too hard, you could do yourself an injury. One thing you should take time with is your appearance. Exhibiting grace under fire will impress someone who is looking for an executive assistant.

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Although there are a lot of pleasant diversions about, you need to keep your nose to the grindstone. Friends are counting on your help. The chance to take a break is exciting, but it may be best to schedule this getaway for next month. Besides, money is tight. You need to put any extra cash into savings, so you'll be able to travel in style. A child's misbehaviour is a cry for attention. Schedule some fun activities for the weekend.

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It's difficult to take a relative's words with a grain of salt, but try anyway. This woman is completely insensitive to your feelings, and you just have to accept it or you'll continue expecting the impossible, thereby setting yourself up for disappointment. A changing of the guard at work doesn't suit you. You're not sure whether you will get along with the new boss so wait and see what happens. You could build a strong bond with this person.

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People have a tendency to keep you on the phone for hours and hours. If you want to avoid trouble, switch your mobile off. You can always call everybody back later, when you've finished your work. Don't give in to nagging worries about a neighbour or sibling. There's nothing you can do about this person's behaviour, so it's better to focus on your own. By refusing to be won over by someone else's decisions, you'll be free to take a more rewarding path.

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Money is tight, but it's not a reason to panic as there will be plenty of opportunities to turn a profit in the near future. Right now, however, you have to be frugal. A generous job offer could fall into your lap. Although it's not at the level you'd like, it will bring plenty of future assignments. Accept the position and pour your heart and soul into it. Your energy and enthusiasm will impress the powers that be.

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Don't let your ego get in the way of a work relationship. You can't expect special treatment, even if you're the most capable member of the team. If you really want to be a free agent, you need to start your own business. This is entirely possible, but it will involve a risk. A business or romantic partner's erratic behaviour is wearing on your nerves. Before lashing out, work out whether the two of you have got into a rut.

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This isn't the best time to deal with a large bureaucracy. Paperwork gets lost, payments go astray, and nobody can give you a straight answer. Postpone any dealings with government institutions, power authorities, or telecommunications companies until tomorrow. Fortunately, your loved ones are sympathetic to your situation and can help fill out paperwork or make phone calls. Spending a relaxing evening at home will recharge your batteries.

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An old friendship is showing signs of strain. Perhaps it's time to distance yourself from somebody who has been trying your patience. It's no longer fun to listen to this person's problems, which are largely their own creation. When the two of you first met, you probably felt sorry for this person. Now you've made some important changes, you realise just how much time and energy she takes. You could be focusing on more rewarding activities.

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You could be the target of negative gossip. In a situation like this, you need to hold your head high. If you have spoken out of turn make an immediate and sincere apology. Find a way to help the injured parties. Actions speak louder than words. Fortunately, a good job could be coming your way. If you need to repay someone, you will have the means to do so. The only way to restore your reputation is to accept your responsibilities.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Beware of making bad choices, especially regarding work. It's important to be impartial. If someone you dislike is the best person for a particular job, so be it. If friends complain about your decision, set them straight. People who truly care for you will accept your choices. Angry words could be exchanged between you and a neighbour. Neither one of you is especially tolerant right now. Wait a few days before offering an olive branch.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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It's the end of an era, but you're not ready to let go. Give yourself a chance to mourn. Contrary to modern thinking, human beings need time to process change. A source of income could come to an abrupt end. This doesn't mean you'll be thrust into the poorhouse, but it will necessitate some economies. Working for a charitable organisation may be a welcome change from dealing with a commercial enterprise.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Quarrels over finances, family, and domestic affairs could muddy the waters today. You and your partner have polar opposite views. Instead of trying to convert each other, find a compromise. One of you will need to be less controlling, and the other must become more disciplined. It's that simple. If you're wondering whether all this fuss is worth the trouble, think back on the early days of your relationship. What has changed since then?

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