
You're not in the best of spirits now, which is evident to everyone you meet. Nagging concerns can get in the way of activities that normally give you pleasure. Instead of giving in to this depression, ask your loved ones to help you fight it. Planning a trip will give you something exciting to look forward to. Resist the temptation to argue with a so-called expert. This will only rob you of valuable energy.

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It may feel like everybody is plotting against your happiness today. And although your reaction is a little extreme, it is true that friends haven't been as willing to help you as they have in the past. Perhaps the problem rests with you. Giving these folks more of your time and attention will rectify the balance. After all, you have been quite preoccupied this spring. Turn your focus outward for a change.

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An authority figure's presence could be quite oppressive today, but there's nothing you can do. Instead of trying to assert your will, go along with your superior's plan until it's completely evident that it will not work. That way, you can rescue a bad situation by proposing your own brilliant idea. It's a crafty plan, but one that will work if you play the part properly. Fortunately, you've got a gift for drama.

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Your wisdom and insight may not have a receptive audience today. Try not to let people's indifference get you down. Pursuing your own interests will help you withstand the snubs you may receive today. In time, the people you're trying to win over will be more open to the lessons you have to teach. Until that day arrives, you owe it to yourself to develop your talents as you see fit.

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Your loyalties have always run deep, which can sometimes be a liability. Beware of loved ones who try to get you to go against your better judgment, especially with regard to money. You have a right to hold on to your hard-earned cash. If your refusal to make a loan causes a friend to withdraw their affection, there's a good chance your relationship wasn't worth much anyway. Look after your own interests.

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It's hard to accept an authority figure's claims right now, even though you'd like to. Keep in mind that this person has an investment in your trust. By thinking for yourself, you can avoid a dangerous trap that has been laid for you. Be especially wary if your superior resorts to bullying tactics. Such manoeuvres are a sure sign that you need to find a better arrangement. Go ahead and assert your independence.

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No matter how good your motives are, it seems like people are trying to impede your progress. If somebody seems to be resisting your help, ease up a bit. This person may return after their bad mood has lifted. In the meantime, busy yourself with a creative project that has been giving you trouble. There's no reason you can't apply your knack for problem solving to an artistic endeavour. Be open to a child's advice.

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You're in a very playful mood, but nobody else seems to share your carefree attitude. Don't be hurt if a lover spurns your advances. There's a good chance that your amour has some heavy responsibilities weighing on their shoulders. Devising a plan to pay off debts can help ease the tension between you. This is where your resourcefulness really comes in handy. Get out your calculator and devise a sensible budget.

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You have an uneasy feeling about an influential person, and this fear may be justified. Be careful about confiding personal information to this character, even if it is under the auspices of forming a professional relationship. By drawing a clear line between your private and public lives, you can avoid a nasty scene. Don't sign any binding contracts right now, even if you feel pressed for time. A better deal will come along eventually.

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Communication isn't your strong suit right now; you're better off remaining silent. A difficult relationship could be weighing on your heart. If you are uncertain about the depth of a person's feeling for you, observe their behaviour. Does your beloved back up their words with actions? Do they make time for you, regardless of their schedule? Are you being given the consideration you deserve? Answer these questions honestly.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Not everybody shares your values, which can be extremely frustrating. Instead of arguing for your position, keep your own counsel. People will respect you more if they see you carrying out your personal philosophy with a little fanfare. Beware of a powerful personality who tries to pressure you into an immoral decision. By taking a quiet but firm stance, you'll force this person to back down and look for another victim.

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Not showing the proper respect for a person's knowledge could get you into trouble. Yes, you prefer acting on instinct, but you can't deny that book learning is valuable, too. Suspend your judgments and let an expert take you under their wing. You could learn some valuable lessons that will last a lifetime. Try not to get upset if you don't catch on immediately. A little persistence goes a long way right now.

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