
You're having a hard time feeling positive about your career. A bossy, self-important autocrat is making it harder and harder to do your job. It's time to have a heart to heart talk with your employer. You're an independent person who works best with minimal supervision. If that is not something your boss is willing to give you, it's time to look for a new position. You have a range of skills and many wonderful talents that can be transferred to another company. Start looking for another job.

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You disagree with a person's values and priorities. Casting judgment on this neighbour is harming your relationship. Take a few steps back and decide whether you are being rather unfair. The world is filled with different types of people. That's a good thing. The sooner you accept this, the more comfortable your relationships will become. If you want to mix with people who share your views, join a house of worship, club or political organisation. This will give you a chance to talk about your favourite issues with sympathetic people.

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Trying to control another person is an exercise in futility. It doesn't matter if you're dealing with a child, romantic partner or employee. By supporting their choices and needs, your relationship will improve. Are you dealing with someone whose behaviour has become toxic? Then you can issue some ultimatums. Put your relationship on hold while they get treatment for their problems. It's perfectly fine to establish healthy boundaries for yourself. When you try imposing rules on others, things get complicated. The choice is yours.

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Stop putting so much pressure on your business or romantic partner. Although you have needs, it's important to remember your other half also needs support. As soon as you take the focus off yourself, your relationship will become much better. Instead of feeling angry and resentful all the time, the two of you will come together in a spirit of harmony. Arguments will vanish into thin air. You'll even start laughing together. Don't be surprised when those closest to you become more caring and attentive.

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You're anxious about finances. It feels like your income can't support your desired lifestyle. There's nothing wrong with wanting comfort and luxury. Instead of abandoning your dreams of being comfortable, start cultivating a prosperity consciousness. It's easier than it sounds. Create a dream diary where you can assemble photos of the furnishings, artwork, clothing and status symbols you desire. Recite affirmations that assert you have more than enough money to do everything you want. Visualise what you want. Do something nice for yourself each day.

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If a relationship is going to thrive, you must grow and change. Imposing the same expectations and beliefs you had when you first came together is unrealistic. People are destined to evolve. Clinging stubbornly to the old days will put stress on your union. The next time your friend or romantic partner shows a desire to do something new, don't object. Listen carefully. Give some of their ideas a try. By being reasonable, you'll create an even happier arrangement.

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Your personal life isn't giving you a great happiness. It feels like you're spending all your time on work and family responsibilities. It's time to re-evaluate your priorities. Delegate tasks to relatives, roommates and colleagues. Cut back your work schedule. Make more time for relationships and creative pursuits. You have more control than you think. Being a martyr to work is a recipe for misery. If people complain that you're not doing enough work, invite them to take some tasks off your list of things to do.

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You don't have a lot of respect for a pompous person. Resist the temptation to mock their ideas and attitudes. Make it your mission to recognise their strengths. If they make a proposal that has promise, congratulate them for it. When you disagree with their plans, be respectful. By working together, you'll accomplish wonderful things. By constantly bickering, you'll waste valuable time, money and effort. The choice is yours. Model your behaviour after a supportive teacher or coach who brought out the best in you.

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There's nothing wrong with having a long wish list. Problems arise when you treat your desires as more important than everybody else's. The next time someone suggests something that interferes with your plans, stay calm. Show you have an interest in meeting their needs. See if you can reach a compromise. The simple act of letting down your defences will create momentum. You'll be delighted to discover you can each get what you want without feeling angry and resentful.

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Pushing people around is making them angry and resentful. Every healthy relationship involves give and take. The sooner you show respect for people's tastes and needs, the more rewarding your unions will be. True power comes from inspiring natural affection. When people want to satisfy you because they like you, you'll achieve things beyond your wildest dreams. It will become much easier to find the money, help and moral support you need to thrive. It's much easier to attract flies with honey than it is with vinegar.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're not sure what your goals should be. After accomplishing a series of goals, you feel deflated. Instead of pushing yourself to assume more responsibilities, give yourself a chance to rest, relax and recharge your batteries. After a period of quiet reflection, inspiration will flow. It's hard for an ultra-organised person like you to feel adrift. Treat this period of your life as a holiday. After putting your intense schedule on hold, you'll come to appreciate a free diary. Every situation has positive aspects.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're not happy with your financial situation. If you want to increase your income, it's important to improve your attitude. Start focusing on what you have, rather than what you lack. Get into the habit of making a gratitude list every day. Your blessings can include material and spiritual things. Thinking about how lucky you are will make you more attractive to wealth. Don't be surprised when you get a lucrative job offer or big legal settlement after cultivating an attitude of gratitude.

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