
All eyes are on you, making you feel like a circus animal. Still, you have no problem performing to an audience. The secret to your success is how you start the show and the way you finish. Don't be surprised when somebody who was once indifferent to your charms starts taking an interest in you. They are drawn to your commanding personality. The more authoritative and self assured you seem, the stronger the attraction will become.

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Team up with your best friend, lover, or business partner to reform a stuffy organisation. You see lots of hidden potential in this institution, but it will never come to fruition if things remain the same. Go straight to the leaders of the group with your proposal. Make an impassioned speech. At first, your pleas will fall on deaf ears. In a few days they'll see the sense of your suggestions and ask you to come back. Until then, sit tight.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Things are heating up between you and a flirtatious newcomer. The two of you can't seem to stay out of each other's orbit. It's nice to know you have the power to render someone speechless. Money from an inheritance or insurance settlement makes a job search easier. Now you won't have to take a position out of sheer desperation; you can be a little more discriminating. Explore opportunities related to research, salvage materials, or utilities.

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Two heads are better than one. You're drawn to an intense person who has enormous creative talent. Together, you can create something of lasting beauty. Whether the two of you decide to embark on a romance or launch a business is immaterial. The important thing is to let down your defences and come together in a spirit of trust. That's not easy for either one of you. Still, it's worth the risk. There is something fated about this partnership.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Keep plans a secret for the time being; if your colleagues get wind of your project, they'll become jealous. The reason your boss gave you this assignment is because you're the most talented member of the group. If you do a good job, you'll be offered a raise, promotion, or both. Let your family pamper and pet you. You've been putting in long hours with no sign of relief. By allowing your loved ones to lavish you with affection, you'll be able to overcome all the pressure.

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Romantic intrigues abound. It seems two people are competing for your affection. While it's nice to be so desired, you're worried about hurting someone's feelings. Ultimately, it can't be helped. You feel a deep connection with an admirer whose actions speak louder than words. Anybody can make extravagant promises. It takes someone with real character to make personal sacrifices on your behalf. Stop wasting time and declare your love to the one who deserves it.

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A big home improvement project wreaks havoc with your daily life, but you'll be glad you executed it. You need room to move, create, and dream. Even fixing faulty pipes or wiring can give you a lift; you're tired of the inconvenience these problems have caused. Don't worry about the expense. Money from a big job will arrive just in the nick of time. Although you hate spending it on something so mundane, your investment will pay off faster than you think.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Your opinion of your own talents is undergoing a radical change. At long last, you realise there's more to you than your job title or social position. You have wonderful ideas about how society should be structured and what sorts of things need to be preserved. Publishing these thoughts will help you rescue a historical structure that is being threatened. By bringing attention to this issue, you'll raise the money necessary to preserve a precious piece of the past.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're tired of struggling to make ends meet while less talented people are thriving on their ill gotten gains. Part of the problem is you have been reluctant to take a position in keeping with your skills. Although you have no practical experience, you have lots of natural talent. You have tremendous vision for everything you do. If you work for a small operation, you'll make it bigger. If you deal with a select group of clients, you'll broaden your customer base.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Trust your intuition about a friend. They have a terrible secret. By inviting them to open up, you'll pave the way for a much closer relationship. In the past, you were quick to pass judgment on people whose beliefs were different than yours. Now you're starting to appreciate it takes all types to make up a world. By keeping this idea in mind, you'll help your loved one to come clean. There's no greater gift you can give.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Trust your intuition when it comes to an authority figure. The person in charge doesn't want to hear about problems; they only want to see you working to find solutions. Instead of asking for direction, take the initiative. Nobody will dare question your judgement once they see the results. If you're looking for a job, ask a powerful acquaintance to put in a good word for you. Before you know it, you'll be sitting in an office with your name on the door.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your personal goals are undergoing a profound transformation. At one time, you had your sights set on a career or lifestyle. Now you're starting to question whether this is the right path for you. Give yourself a chance to venture into new territory. An influential teacher will be instrumental in making this transition. That's because they underwent a similar change. Lean on your mentor when the going gets rough. It's always painful to let go of something that was once precious to you.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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