
Duties and responsibilities within your immediate environment, and how you respond to their demands, are the focus today. It might be helpful to prioritise your time, and attend to the most important issues first, and in this way, it will ensure that they are accomplished to the highest standard possible. Your communication with others is also emphasised, and here there may be a need for some give and take on both sides. Try to explain things clearly and listen to the response it receives, and this will help to maintain harmony in your relationships.

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What you cherish most of all, this includes material and psychological resources, is likely to be the focus of your attention. Perhaps you will use this time to consider your financial situation and make any necessary adjustments, or on the other hand, an event could occur which sparks a reconsideration of your value systems. Either way, your main concern is to establish order and organisation in your life and to feel the satisfaction of knowing that you are progressing along your chosen path.

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The Sun/Saturn conjunction urges to take stock of your life and ask yourself what have you achieved and what do you have to show for all your hard work in the past. Add to this the Moon in Gemini and the next few days suggest a period of quick reactions and a need for variety and change. Your interests could be intensely seriously but fleeting. Perhaps for a short while, it will be difficult to focus on the big picture as smaller matters seem to attain a disproportionate significance. On a more positive note, it is a favourable time to amass facts and figures in order to clarify your views and opinions on a particular subject, and thus come to a greater self-understanding.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Look around at your life and accomplishments and at the same time take stock of what you hope to achieve in the future. It is time to put things in order, and perhaps the best way to start is by defining your objectives and goals. It can be extremely beneficial to re-examine them from time to time to affirm they are in line with your present ideals and aspirations. A little effort and consideration now will ensure that any changes or improvements you implement will have a lasting and profound significance on your life from here on in.

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There are added responsibilities coming your way, either through your career, or within the community at large. Your organisational skills will be called upon to bring order to the situation, and perhaps to the people involved as well. Although it might not always be easy to relate to the people around you in your customary effervescent manner, do not dwell on it, as this feeling is only transitory. Try to put any insular thoughts to one side, and concentrate on the matter at hand instead.

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An advancement or promotion at work is possible as vocational issues have the potential to be very favourable today. You may be given some extra duties, or assume a higher level of responsibility, and you will be pleased to fulfil your obligations to the highest possible standard. The emphasis in Gemini facilitates a good rapport between people, so whilst the practical side of your career will demand a great deal of your attention, communication with others is important too, so make time for a chat with your colleagues. You are at a point in your life when you need to be seen to have accomplished something no matter how small, if not, then it is time to point yourself towards a fresh life ambition.

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You have a very practical approach to learning right now, and so may choose to broaden your sphere of knowledge in several ways. This could range from taking up an intellectual hobby, to participating in discussions on global issues and foreign affairs. Whilst you will enjoy the debate, try not to dwell too much on the problems and challenges facing the world. It will be far more productive to concentrate on your part in the scheme of things and to resolve to do your very best in performing all obligations and duties to the best of your ability.

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An encounter with an individual will bring some very deep and intense feelings and emotions to your attention. It is possible that this person has a very different outlook and sense of worth to you, and this may challenge some of your most cherished beliefs and convictions. However, it does offer an opportunity to further your understanding both of the value systems others hold, and of your own interdependence on the people you share your life with. These realisations will transform you, and have profound lasting effect on your life from this point on.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You seek answers and understanding on some fundamental issues regarding your relationships with older or wise people now. There is a very strong emphasis on close one-to-one partnerships, so it is a good time to question yourself on whether they are fulfilling your deepest needs and expectations. Relating to others may pose some problems, and this in turn could prompt some disagreements or conflicts. Talk things through, and if necessary, enlist the help of an impartial expert to help you resolve any disputes. It may be the key to lightening the mood and bringing denouement.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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There are many tasks and responsibilities to be taken into consideration, so it is important to tackle them methodically. As is your way, you want to give of your best. In order to do so, do not get side-tracked by trivia, or you may just run out of steam. How you use your time and energy are important issues to address now, so it might be helpful to concentrate on the most essential matters only. Some changes or modifications to your usual routine may be necessary, but in the long run, it will ensure success. Healthwise don't neglect one single ailment.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You'll find yourself taking a more disciplined approach than usual to your creative pursuits and activities. However you decide to express this part of your nature, you will be strongly motivated to give some form of practical manifestation to your inner aspirations. This is also a wonderful opportunity to share thoughts and ideas with other people as you are able to converse very fluently and eloquently. At the same time, listen to what they have to say too. You will learn a great deal.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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If you have been considering making any improvements or changes to your home life, now would be a good time to begin. You are able to think clearly about what you want and make careful and considered plans and preparations. In your enthusiasm, don't forget to consult with others too. They will appreciate your thoughtfulness, and be far more likely to co-operate with you than if you try to push your intentions too forcefully or try to organise them into the bargain. Be aware that your domestic or familial duties maybe preventing you from living the kind of life you'd like, in which case seek support from organisations or a local support network who is there to aid the carer as much as the cared for.

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