
You don't believe the same things you did growing up. That's a sign of maturity. Some people will be dismayed by your perceived defection. Give them a chance to recover from the shock. After they get used to the idea of your choosing a different path, they'll realise you can still be friends. It's silly to let politics get in the way of friendships. So long as everyone is respectful towards one another, there won't be a problem. Keep your head held high.

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It's time to change strategies. The approach you've been taking to relationships no longer works. You have to be more open minded and flexible. This isn't easy for you, because you're fond of comforting routines. Unfortunately, it's not realistic to expect people to remain the same over a long period of time. Everyone changes. It's not a betrayal; it's human nature. The sooner you embrace a loved one's new direction, the easier it will be to find common ground. Stop pining for the past and move with the times.

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Revisiting a close partnership is necessary. It's possible you no longer want the same things from life. That doesn't necessarily mean you have to end your union, but you will have to renegotiate its terms. One of you may have to stay home while the other works. You might have to relocate to a different area for work or health reasons. If such a move is impossible, then try parting ways as amicably as possible. Acting like mature adults will take the sting out of this breakup.

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Certain habits are bogging you down. It's time to change gear. Whether this means getting up earlier or going to bed at a regular time is immaterial. The important thing is to respect your body's boundaries. Eating a more nutritious diet is also critical. Instead of regularly treating yourself to a rich snack, save these treats for special occasions. The majority of your meals should be compromised of fresh produce, whole grains and lean proteins. An online recipe site can direct you to dishes you will enjoy.

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You will have to accept you won't get as much attention from a loved one as you have in the past. Your friend has a lot on their plate and must focus on these important tasks. If that means spending less time on fun and games, so be it. Find other sources of entertainment. Joining a book club or sports team can fill your leisure time. You might also want to develop your creative talent. Taking an advanced course with a good teacher will keep you busy, too.

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Spending too much time on domestic chores is stifling your creativity. There is more to life than cooking, cleaning and shopping. Although it will pain you to lower your standards, you simply can't keep going at this pace. Instead of tidying up, go for a walk. Spend some quality time with your pet. Launch a creative, music or design project. Eventually, your guilt about the housework will subside and you'll start laughing and having fun again. Your relationships will improve and you won't be bothered by petty problems.

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You're obviously not communicating well with someone who is much older or younger. Instead of trying the same approach, change tactics. Express interest in their favourite activities. Ask them to teach you a skill. Enquire after their hopes and dreams. This will pave the way for a more productive dynamic. People want to feel respected. When it feels like they're being ordered around, they stop listening and fail to engage. You may not have intended to hurt their feelings, but this is what has occurred.

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If your heart is no longer in a routine, change it. You have different priorities than you did a few months ago. Earning money and working hard seems less important. You're more interested in forming strong bonds with friends, relatives and neighbours. If this means spending less time at the office, so be it. Arrange to meet with people more often. Host a family reunion or party. Strangely, your performance at work will probably improve. It's easier to be productive when you lead a balanced life.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Adopt a different approach to work. You've always taken great pride in your extensive knowledge. It isn't enough to have facts and figures at your disposal. You also have to develop a feel for your subject. Obeying your instincts will take you down some interesting paths. Strange coincidences will occur and you'll start uncovering hidden information. Outsiders will question your freewheeling attitude, but don't worry. Once they see the results of your work, they'll have nothing but admiration for you.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It's time to re-evaluate your subconscious beliefs. If you're afraid of confrontation, find out why. Many times, it's better to discuss a problem than sweep it under the rug. Are you reluctant to leave a toxic situation because it is secure? Think about why this is so. You will probably benefit from a change, even if you're not sure about your final destination. Everybody is reluctant to do something. The sooner you overcome these anxieties, the easier it will be to fulfil your potential.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Your personal goals are changing, which makes you nervous. You don't like the idea of abandoning a dream. If this aim no longer fills you with excitement, you shouldn't feel compelled to pursue it any longer. Don't feel pressured to set any new ambitions yet. Instead, take this opportunity to assess your life and imagine where you'd like to be next year. It may take some time to decide on a direction, but that's fine. Everybody experiences a 'wait and see' phase. Embrace yours.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You want to redefine your role. If that means changing jobs or taking a leave of absence from work, so be it. Alternatively, you might decide to get a job after caring for a youngster or parent. There will be a change involving the kind of duties you perform. Don't make the mistake of taking the next logical step. Taking an unusual path will pay off handsomely. You're not the type who can thrive in a conventional career. Listen to your intuition and you won't go wrong.

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