
Keeping busy is critical to maintaining your professional reputation. Even if your workload is light, you will probably pretend it isn't. The last thing you want is for your employer to think you are lazy. Take this opportunity to attend to background tasks. Clear out old files, organise papers and discard anything you no longer need. Purge your email account of outdated messages. You might even be inspired to rearrange your work space. Having a cleaner, streamlined office will boost your productivity.

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Don't be embarrassed if you lack education or experience. Instead of pretending to know what you are doing, admit your ignorance. This will give you a chance to acquire valuable knowledge. Taking a course will be more fun than you expect. Your teacher will encourage you to put a creative spin on your lessons. It's also possible you will meet a romantic interest in the classroom. It will be hard to resist the charm of an intelligent, witty student.

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A power struggle over money will erupt. Don't lend or borrow money. Finance and friendship do not mix. You will need your hard earned cash to make some improvements to your home. Fixing the plumbing or electricity will be costly, but it will also make your life much easier. If you don't own your place, think about buying one. You could find a beautiful residence with lush landscaping. Never underestimate the power of plants to lift your spirits.

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Don't let a loved one brush your concerns aside. You must assert your needs or this relationship will wither on the vine. Your natural tendency is to play the peacemaker. When you're the one who always has to compromise, problems occur. Resentment sets in. Soon, you'll wonder why you ever entered this alliance. Although it doesn't seem like it, there are still many common interests holding you together. Fix what isn't working so you can enjoy each other's company again.

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An oppressive work situation is compromising your health. You either must report the problem to your boss or find a new position. You'll feel much better once you take control of the matter. Fortunately, a big payment will come in, easing your financial fears for a while. Landing a job on the communication field is a strong possibility. One of your former colleagues will alert you to an opening. Submit an application right away. You can't drag your feet in this market.

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You're not ready for the good times to end, but you must get back to work. Neglecting your responsibilities will undermine your financial security. It will also put pressure on an intimate relationship. The sooner you get back to work, the better you will feel. You'll be able to take another break sooner than you think. Right now, you have to take care of some very time sensitive duties. Be sure to pay your bills on time. You don't want to get hit with a big penalty fee.

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Your best friend, romantic partner or business associate isn't being very kind or considerate. You're tired of being treated in a disrespectful manner. Stand up for yourself. There's no excuse for the way your friend is behaving. If you're going to move forward together, there have to be some changes. Spending time on your own will be therapeutic. Go on a solitary holiday. A destination that is known for its natural beauty will make your spirits soar. Suddenly, you won't feel conflicted about asserting your needs.

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A passionate argument will erupt, causing hurt feelings. Avoid sensitive subjects like religion and politics, especially at work. It's important to maintain respectful relationships with your colleagues. No matter how each of you feels about certain issues, you still must work together. A lavish party is worth attending. You'll meet several influential people at this gathering. If you make a good impression on a bigwig, you'll be able to make some improvements to your community.

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It shouldn't be necessary to win someone's affection with expensive gifts. If you want a relationship, spend quality time together. Get to know one another. Express an interest in each other's hopes and dreams. Satisfying a child's every whim will set them up for failure. As the adult, you have to establish healthy boundaries. Let them cope with disappointment. It's the only way to cultivate maturity. If you have a hard time dealing with setbacks, work on the problem.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Don't let a manipulative relative talk you into an arrangement that works against your interests. You've just cleared an impressive hurdle. Now you have some marketable skills, you'll be able to land a better job. This may mean relocating. Although your family member wants you to remain nearby, you are excited to pull up stakes and try somewhere new. Obey this impulse. You have so much potential. This is your time to realise it. Anyone who tries laying a guilt trip on you should be ignored.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A hidden enemy is making trouble for you. Be sure to play by the rules and conduct yourself professionally. If no one can find fault with your performance, you'll have no problems. Money from an inheritance or legal settlement gives you a greater measure of freedom. This is a great time to buy a holiday home or take a leave of absence. Being able to attend to your spiritual needs will be liberating. You're tired of getting your hands dirty in the working world.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A luxury purchase will be cause for buyer's remorse. Keep your money safe in the bank. You'll be able to get a much better deal on this item if you wait for a sale. By then, you might not feel compelled to possess it. Turn your attention to an intimate relationship. You can work with your amour to realise a cherished dream. Are you single? You will meet someone special at a fancy party. Be sure to wear something special, as you'll want to command attention.

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