
Getting into the swing of things today seems incredibly difficult now; you're still thinking of the weekend or a holiday gone by. People who make demands on you are particularly bothersome. If you can't get the privacy go off on your own for a wee while, and don't tell a soul where you are. Solitude is bliss.

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Obligations to others are starting to suffocate you; as hard as it is, you will have to become independent. This may mean telling somebody that you are not willing to assume their responsibilities any longer. Your determination to succeed makes you immune to guilt trips. You paid your dues long ago so don't assume the role of victim.

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Money matters are weighing on your mind; it is clear that you need another source of income. Think about ways you can generate a second salary by doing what you love. That way, you will be energised by your work instead of drained by it. Let this pursuit be a springboard to a satisfying new career or fulfilment of an old ambition.

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Let folks wait on you for a change; you could use some tender loving care. You spend so much time worrying about everybody else's needs that you all too often neglect your own. Carve out a schedule to pursue your favourite hobby. If you have nothing that sustains your spare hours, think back to the activities you loved as a child - there might still be an untapped grain of happiness.

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Your work is starting to bleed over into your personal life, making it hard to relax when you should be working, and vice versa. Perform an activity between career and home that allows you to make a smoother transition. A long walk can help clear the cobwebs. It's also a good way to enjoy the everyday things around you, you too often take for granted.

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You may be putting your trust in the wrong person in your life; don't take them at their word or face value. By checking them or what they say out, you will be protecting yourself. Be careful about approaching a touchy authority figure. It's best to get all of your communications in writing. Face-to-face confrontations aren't favoured today.

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Relieving your debts is the first step toward defeating depression; so take control of a dire financial situation. This involves consolidating all your bills. The worst part is facing this fear by yourself. Secrets have a way of festering so be honest about any painful fiscal or economic concern by consulting someone who can help.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You may have to break a promise, although it pains you to do so it's a case of having to. Sometimes life interferes with the most pleasant plans. When this happens, it's best to tackle the job at hand without trying to please or lie to people. The less you dwell on your troubles, the quicker they will pass. The lesson here is for the person you've had to disappoint, they are paying off old karma.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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If you make an embarrassing remark or faux pas, apologise and move on; there is nothing more that you can do. There's a chance that the person you've offended will not forgive you but that's not your problem. Their resentment shouldn't prevent you from forging supportive relationships with people are prepared to let bygones be bygones.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It is important to teach a young person the value of money or they will be constantly plagued by debt, or, worse in your pocket. Of course you want to give this kid every advantage, but that's not really the healthiest solution. Suggest a way for them to work for these extras, that way, their lists of wants will narrow if they have to pay for them.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Domestic duties are a drain on your energy; learn to divide them twixt your kith and kin. If you don't have anybody to pick up the slack, hire someone to perform the heaviest or more expert jobs, if only for today. That way, you can pour your energies into more creative pursuits that you can do standing on your head!

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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There's no point in dwelling on a past mistake; you just have to recognise where you went wrong and move on. A vengeful person may remind you of this gaffe whenever you meet. Turn your back on them and put an end to this annoying ritual. After all, you did the best you could. That's more than can be said for this pest who rakes up bad blood out of envy.

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