
If you'd like to do some creative work, think back on the ideas and themes that captivated you as a child. These memories will inspire a beautiful project which finds favour with nearly everybody. It's a relief to find a channel for your restless energy. Working with metal can be especially satisfying, whether you're making jewellery, developing an electronic gadget, or sculpting with bronze. You don't need expert knowledge. Just roll your sleeves up and plunge in.

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This is a wonderful time to feed your intellect. Be sure to follow up on a book or movie recommendation. It's sure to give you a thrill. If you're looking for love, you could find it at the library or video store. Keep your eyes open for someone who is stockpiling materials from your favourite author or director. The two of you are sure to make a love connection. In the event you have a lover, plan a short trip together.

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You have tremendous powers of concentration, which help you sort through some domestic dilemmas. This would be a great time to create a household budget, organise your files, or clear out your workspace. It's clear which materials should be kept and which should be thrown away. Leading a more streamlined lifestyle will give you more time to do the things you love. If you're looking for a home, send out some feelers. A good friend could tip you off to a great place.

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You're incredibly sharp and outwit the competition quite easily. This would be an excellent day to enter a writing contest or submit a story for publication. You have a knack for communicating ideas nobody would dare say. If you've been feuding with a neighbour or sibling, this is your chance to extend an olive branch. It doesn't matter who is right or wrong. The important thing is to salvage an otherwise wonderful relationship.

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Trust your intuition, particularly with regard to financial matters. You could make a handsome profit on investments related to health care, agricultural products, or pharmaceuticals. In the event you're looking for a job, you could find an opportunity related to one of these industries. If someone asks you to do something unethical, put your foot down. You can't afford to damage your reputation for the sake of a little extra cash. Never fear; taking the honourable path will pay off.

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You're probably the only person who can see the truth today. That's because you're able to remain objective, even in the middle of emotional circumstances. If you're suffering from an elusive ache or pain, you could find treatment for it. Be open to pursuing holistic therapies. Reiki, acupuncture, or aromatherapy are all valid avenues to explore. Don't worry about what nosy folk might say. After all, you're the one who's got to cope with the pain!

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You're able to take charge of a large organisation, thanks to your fine eye for detail. People respect your authority, mostly because you don't wield it like a weapon. Taking a low key approach gets the best results. If somebody messes up, don't make a big deal of it. Instead, praise this person's strengths. This is one of those times when people respond best to encouragement. A quiet interlude with a lover proves blissful. Sneak off somewhere nobody else can find you.

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It's important to listen to public opinion, even if you don't agree with it. By being responsive to people's concerns, your reputation will soar. Your agreeable attitude will win you lots of friends. Be sure to attend a big party being held in your neighbourhood. All eyes will be on you. Of course, you'll want to look your best. What better excuse to go clothes shopping? Add a splash of colour to your ordinarily all black ensemble.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're extremely perceptive when it comes to dealing with deceptive people. It's easy to ferret out their lies. An authority figure is impressed by this ability, and may ask you to join her team. This lady could be a terrific mentor. True, you may not be in the market for such a job, but it will prove a valuable learning experience. If you're looking for love, head for a dark nightclub. A fantastic dancer could sweep you into a sexy samba.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Working as part of a team will be a lot more productive than you think. Ordinarily, you're the most capable person in the room. That won't be the case when you pair up with a sensitive partner who anticipates problems, nurtures talent, and promotes excellence. Your colleagues should be trusted with public relations, while you cope with practical matters, like money and day to day operations. Doing business overseas could be very profitable for you.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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It's important to have orderly surroundings if you're going to enjoy close relationships. Clutter is a sign of emotional blockage. Take this opportunity to go through your bedroom and clear out any junk clogging your closet or dresser. Don't store anything under your bed, and make sure there is room on either side for people to enter and exit comfortably. These small acts will make you more attractive to love, which needs room to grow.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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People admire the way you put a creative spin on everything you do. Best of all, you're able to recognise the artistic qualities in others. Too often, people tell themselves they have no imagination. As you know, nothing could be further from the truth. Championing someone's initial attempts at painting, writing, or filmmaking will cause them to blossom. You may not realise it, but your words of praise have a profound effect. No wonder your fan base is growing.

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