
Be very frugal, for an unexpected expense will wreak havoc with your budget. You can't afford to loan money to a friend, no matter how much you would like to. Your first obligation is to your family. If you have a lover, you'll have to assume some of their responsibilities while they cope with a health or family matter. It feels like you're being pulled in two different directions. Err on the side of an intimate relationship. Icing has to be spread thinly on a large cake.

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Beware of over confidence. You may get a wry smile from someone you like, or do well in a job interview, but that doesn't mean you'll get what you want. You have unseen rivals. It may be necessary to keep a stultifying job a little longer. Employment is scarce, and you can't leave a secure position for an unsecured offer. Console yourself with the knowledge your friends are firmly behind you. They'll help take the sting out of any disappointments.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You can't afford to daydream as too many problems demand your attention. If you're caught sleeping on the job, a rival will make trouble for you. At times like these, you long for a passionate lover to sweep in and take the pain away. That's simply isn't possible now. Unless you deal with the dilemma that's been placed before you, stress will continue to mount. Continue to exhibit grace under fire. Enemies are eager to see you falter. Don't give them the satisfaction.

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Don't let friends have undue influence on a personal decision. You're yearning for romance and adventure, but your loved ones are jealous of your prospects. Keep your plans a secret for the time being. Good things need time to take root. If you're dating someone, refrain from spreading the word until you make a serious commitment. Working on a creative project? Refrain from showing it off in its early stages. It takes time to create a masterpiece.

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Using your influence to help a loved one will backfire. You have to seem absolutely objective now, or people will question your ethics. Although it pains you to turn your back on a friend or relative, you must. Tell them they'll have to get ahead on their own steam, with no help from you. This could lead to a period of chill, but it can't be helped. Find comfort in the arms of a compassionate lover. Sometimes power can be a millstone around your neck.

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Just because you possess superior knowledge doesn't mean you'll get respect. In fact, certain members of the group resent your expertise. They'll try to tackle a job without your input. Resist the urge to complain. Eventually, the group will realise it has bitten off more than it can chew, and beg you for assistance. By then, it may be too late. You're operating a shoestring budget, so don't buy any unnecessary supplies. You will have to justify your purchases sooner than you think.

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You'll be tempted to let down your guard with a very attractive admirer. Unfortunately, this character can't be trusted. Continue to keep your own counsel. It's possible the person who has been flirting with you has mercenary motives. You're sad to take such a pessimistic view, but you've got to protect your interests. If you want to see whether their affection is genuine, see if they stick around after refusing their request for money or expensive materials.

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When you love someone, your first instinct is to do everything in your power to satisfy your partner. Although your devotion is touching, it can also be crippling. Now is not the time to fall on your sword for your best friend or partner. Instead, you have to protect your own interests, even if it means looking selfish. You've been struggling with some nagging fears. Channelling these worries into a creative project will prove wonderfully cathartic.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Taxing your system with hard alcohol and rich food will be cause for regret. You've got to eat light and drink plenty of fresh water. If you don't, you'll be too tired or ill to attend to an important job. Friends are counting on you to be there for them. Put off revelry to later in the week, when you'll be able to eat, drink, and be merry. Ask a loving relative to make some of your favourite soup.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Lately, you've been focusing all of your attention on a romance or creative project. Friends are beginning to complain. Don't make the mistake of bowing out of a big party. A loved one is counting on you to appear. If you don't show, they'll be very insulted. Home feels oppressive, probably because you're expected to do all the work. You've got to delegate some of your responsibilities to relatives or roommates. If you live alone, consider hiring a cleaner.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're so comfortable at home that you've lost sight of your career goals. Don't take your job for granted. If your boss wants you to stay late to complete a project, do it. This may mean disappointing a child, but it can't be helped. You can't afford to jeopardise a secure position for a family obligation. Part of the problem is you are the only one in the organisation who knows how to perform certain tasks. Maybe it's time to show the ropes to a newcomer.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Don't put too much faith in technology. A car may stall, a computer could crash, or a phone might break. It's always wise to back up files and keep a hard copy of important numbers. Keep a taxi's business card in your wallet in case you have to arrange alternate transportation. An important business executive won't react well if they think you've forgotten an appointment. Have their contact information handy, too, just in case an unforeseen emergency arises.

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