
Embarrassing facts will come to light, compromising your reputation. Try to control your temper. Angry, defensive behaviour will only deepen people's suspicion of you. If you have made mistakes, admit them. Don't put the blame on others, even if some were more culpable. People will respect you more if you come clean. A sincere apology would put things right. You might want to wait until all the excitement has died down to make a public statement. You don't want to make a bad situation worse.

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Someone who has been abusing their power needs to be challenged. It's time to come out of the shadows and confront this bully. You might be singled out as a troublemaker, but that's better than ignoring a growing problem. Many people secretly admire your courage but may be reluctant to offer support. That's because they're afraid of getting punished. You'd rather stand up for justice than be secure. Give yourself a gold star for doing the right thing. The Universe will reward your bravery.

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A serious loss is difficult to handle. You can't help yearning for the old days, when you were in a much more secure position. Give yourself time to grieve and then make plans for the future. It may take time to land a steady job with good benefits. Be patient. A temporary assignment could lead to a salaried position. When your resolve starts to falter, reach out to a friend who has always been loyal. They'll give you the strength to move ahead.

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Let go of a relationship that is no longer serving you. This may seem selfish, but it's also healthy. People deserve to have friends who love and appreciate them. When affection dries up, there is no reason to stay. It's possible someone you once loved has undergone a dramatic change. Their values are radically different and it's become difficult to find common ground. Moreover, you're not sure whether you can sustain a bond with someone whose ideas are offensive. Make the break.

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Getting treatment for a health matter is important. Don't let a small ache or pain get worse. You will have to change certain habits to recover. Whether this means going on total bed rest or cutting certain food out of your diet is immaterial. The important thing is to listen to the advice of a medical professional. If your living area has become messy and dingy, hire a cleaning service. Clean, orderly surroundings will keep stress at bay. Treat the cost as an investment in your wellbeing.

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Don't settle for second best in your love life. If your romantic partner isn't giving you the care and attention you deserve, move on. This individual can be terribly charming, but a relationship can't thrive on charm alone. It has to be founded on respect. Staying with someone who neglects you will make others look on you with pity. You'll start questioning your own judgment. Soon, even the activities that gave you pleasure will pall. Do yourself a tremendous favour and hold out for a worthy partner.

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Your home is undergoing some profound changes. It's possible you no longer want to remain in the area. Start looking for a new place to live. Be open to exploring areas you normally wouldn't entertain. You could find a perfect property in an unlikely neighbourhood. The important thing is to live in a community that supports and reflects your needs. If you're in a romantic relationship, discuss your individual needs and hit upon a compromise. Working as a team will be productive.

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Someone's harsh words will cut you to the core. Take a few deep breaths and try to remain calm. It's never easy to be the victim of this kind of onslaught, so don't expect to immediately bounce back. Instead, allow yourself to be hurt and angry. Think about why this outburst occurred. Be honest about assessing your own behaviour. Have you been belittling and dismissive of others? Do you entertain other people's points of view? Are you working hard to find a middle ground?

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A difficult financial situation makes you feel powerless. It's important to remember your true worth is not reflected by your bank balance. Many people are struggling with the same problems. You will overcome these difficulties if you are honest with yourself. It may be necessary to file for bankruptcy or get government assistance. Do what is necessary to achieve a greater measure of security. Get moral support from friends who have faced similar difficulties. This, too, shall pass.

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Lots of pressure is being placed on your shoulders. It's important to find an outlet for your frustrations. If you have too much work on your plate, delegate tasks to other people on the team. Relatives, roommates, colleagues and neighbours should be doing their fair share of the work. Part of the problem is you are highly competent. People come to rely on you to do jobs quickly and efficiently. This can lead to an oppressive situation that doesn't allow any free time for relaxation.

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Getting rid of old hang ups is a serious business. You might want to enlist the aid of a health professional. Being able to discuss your fears will be difficult but liberating. You're a wild visionary with so many good ideas about improving the future. It would be a shame to let these concepts wither on the vine. Learning how to assert your needs is critical. Confronting toxic people will also be helpful. Stop deferring to those who are blocking your path.

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It's time to refine your social circle. Fraternising with cynics and pessimists is dragging you down. You have the power to reach great heights, but it will be difficult without supportive friends. Take stock of your relationships. Anyone who is always cutting you down or undermining your confidence has got to go. This is a question of survival. There's no reason to tolerate someone who does not have your best interests at heart. Turn your back on the darkness and move towards the light.

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