
At this time, you want to keep a low profile, Aries. You've recently come off a highly social period that has left you exhausted. Spending time on your own will recharge your batteries. It will also prompt you to make plans for the future. Building financial security will take time and energy. Take this opportunity to review your bills. You might want to consolidate your debts so you can pay them off at a reduced interest rate. Putting a portion of your income into savings is also advised. If you and your partner can't agree on setting financial goals, you may want to visit a money manager.

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You're a great team player. That's because you present ideas with enthusiasm while remaining open to suggestions. No wonder so many people are eager to work with you. It's especially fun to operate alongside a far sighted visionary. Their presence fuels your own creativity. You might have so much fun at work that you begin to neglect your personal life. If your partner seems a little grumpy, cut back your office hours and devote more time to their pleasure. Everybody needs to know they are valued, both through words and gestures.

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Your professional attitude will be rewarded at this time, Gemini. Prepare for a promotion or pay raise. If you're looking for a job, you'll find one that draws on your creative skills. Getting paid to use your imagination will be an answer to a prayer. Your duties will change with the passing of time, so be open to learning as many aspects of this industry as possible. The more you know the more valuable you will be to the organisation. Contracts and commitments will be revised in a few weeks.

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You're becoming more career oriented at this time, which makes your partner proud. Together, you will form a dynamic power couple. Don't make the mistake of buying a lot of expensive trappings. By maintaining your current standard of living, you can build a nest egg that will allow you to retire early. Being able to travel, write and relax when you're both relatively young will be a handsome reward for all your hard work.

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You're ready to step away from work at this time, Leo. Your responsibilities won't be quite as heavy as they have been in the past. Take this opportunity to enjoy quality time with your romantic partner. It will take time and effort to reconnect. Don't expect to fall into each other's arms the moment you walk through the door. Instead, go on a few dates. Catch up on your lives outside the relationship. Make plans to go away together. Slowly but surely, the passion will return.

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If you're longing to make a commitment, just say so. There is no point in beating around the bush. The object of your affection may be harbouring similar hopes. If not, you can always make plans for the short term future. You're not the type who feels comfortable living in the moment. As an Earth sign, you want to know where you're going and what to expect. An embarrassing misunderstanding will pave the way for a passionate romance. Be open to admitting a mistake.

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If you need to get your creative juices flowing, get some exercise. Moving your body will kick start your imagination. Soon, ideas will come at the speed of light. Keep a pad of paper and pencil handy. You won't want to forget any of these flashes of insight. A source of steady income will slow to a trickle. It's important to be as resourceful as possible. If you need extra work, approach a former employer. You could pick up some good assignments from your old boss.

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You need to weigh your options before taking a risk. If you want to enter a contest, buy a single ticket, instead of blowing your salary on a stack of them. It may be necessary to go back on a promise, which really distresses you. It can't be helped. You don't have the time or resources necessary to help somebody. Be honest about the situation and offer a sincere apology. You're not the type to back out of an arrangement at the last minute, but this is an unusual situation.

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Home improvement plans are strongly favoured at this time. Go ahead and fix that broken appliance or repair that faulty light fixture. You'll feel so much better when this project isn't looming over your head. Throw a dinner party to celebrate. Having everyone come over to your home will save money. Ask everyone to bring different dishes. That way, you won't have to spend the lion's share of the day slaving over a hot stove. A relative will give you a beautiful family heirloom.

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You've got to lighten up if you're going to make progress. A seemingly hopeless work project can be resolved, provided you reach out to a capable colleague. Take their advice, even if it seems hopelessly old fashioned. You'll be amazed to find it works. The same principle applies to your personal life. Put on a happy face for your partner. There's a chance your sweetheart will get a fantastic promotion or transfer. If that's the case, go out and enjoy a night on the town together.

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Resist the urge to stay cooped up at home. Force yourself to go out and mix with the crowd, even if it's just a walk through the park. Prolonged isolation will soon sap your spirits. Getting involved with a fund raising event will improve your mood. Raising money for a good cause makes you feel better about the future. It will also put you in contact with others who are working to make the world a better place. Don't let an authority figure's oppressive attitude ruin your fun.

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You have the power to make your dreams come true, provided you conduct yourself with confidence. This is the perfect time to go on an audition, job interview, or first date. Don't make any hard and fast commitments just yet. If someone asks you to make a promise, give an elusive answer. There are many paths open to you and it will take time to decide on the right one. An old fashioned expert will be impatient with you. Resist their attempts to make a move before you are ready.

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