
Instead of giving advice, listen to people's feedback. Someone with lots of experience understands what needs to happen before a department can improve. Why hire an expensive consultant to tell you what a seasoned worker knows? Stop pulling rank and examine how a system operates. Learn what challenges every member of the organisation faces. Taking a sensitive approach to a troubling situation will work. It will take a long time to see the results, but your morale will soon rise.

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You'll be put in charge of a group fund. Don't be surprised when everybody comes out of the woodwork, demanding money for their special needs. Always remember you don't have to make any snap decisions. If there's an emergency, take some deep breaths and assess the situation as fully as possible. You'll be able to make a good choice after you've asked pointed questions and done some price comparisons. Anyone who doesn't have a time-sensitive demand will have to wait.

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You won't shy away from conflict. Confronting a relative who makes life difficult for everyone else is important. You're not afraid of saying exactly what others have been thinking for years. Some people will think your words are unduly harsh, but most will support what you say. Continuing to make one person's needs primary is making the rest of the group miserable. Take this opportunity to do something special for an unassuming relative who never makes any demands.

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Staying active is a good way to keep anxiety at bay. Stress gets stored in your tissues. That's why it's important to take a walk when you become fraught with emotion. Varying your exercise routine will keep you from being bored. If you have access to a swimming pool, take advantage of it. Water has a therapeutic effect on you. Even some gentle stretching can make you feel better. Does your busy schedule make it impossible to take exercise? Delegate tasks to relatives and colleagues.

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It's important to pour a lot of energy into activities that delight and amuse you. Devoting your life to drudgery will only dull your spirit. Other people in your life accuse you of being irresponsible. That's not true. You'll happily fulfil your duties, but you have no intention of letting this work drag you down. When you have an opportunity to explore the world, you take it. Going on lots of holidays is part of this package. So is indulging in lots of creature comforts.

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Breaking away from an oppressive family tradition will be liberating. You can have good relationships with your relatives without embracing their values. Avoid certain subjects that create arguments. You don't have the time or energy to waste on these debates. By focusing on what unites you, rather than divides you, it will be possible to remain in each other's lives. The key to successful relationships is being respectful of others' choices, even when you disagree with those decisions.

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Your willingness to think outside the box will attract critics. Nobody is willing to take a chance except you. You're the only person who understands that unless an organisation evolves, it will become obsolete. Continue to press for upgrades, whether it's to a better computer system or more generous policy. Eventually, even your detractors will realise something has got to give. Present a detailed plan for a smooth transition. Ask a Virgo to help you work out the kinks.

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An expensive impulse purchase will be cause for regret. It's better to err on the side of caution where money is concerned. A loved one is pressuring you to guarantee a loan or give them some cash. Don't agree to their request. Friendship and finance doesn't mix. Your first loyalty is to yourself. It will be necessary to repair or replace a piece of heavy machinery, like an appliance, car or computer. Being able to pay this bill will give you tremendous peace of mind.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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It's important to be assertive, even at the risk of appearing rude. Trying to protect the feelings of someone at work or in your neighbourhood will backfire. Be direct and describe what will happen if your advice isn't followed. You hate to be the voice of doom, but you're the only person who understands the implications of an important decision. Critics will accuse you of being a naysayer, but that's because they will not face the facts. A big change is necessary to avoid disaster.

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You'll have to keep your true feelings secret. An arrogant expert doesn't want to listen to your concerns. By going along with the program, you'll save yourself time and aggravation. Nobody will be able to blame you when a project falls apart. Keep your eyes open for an opportunity to assume leadership of this troubled group. If you seize the reins of power in time, you'll be able to salvage lots of hard work. Meanwhile, hang back and maintain a tactful silence.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You have a great deal of enthusiasm for a plan, but others don't share your excitement. Instead of trying to convert them to your point of view, be realistic. Respecting people's feelings will draw people together in a spirit of harmony. The longer you work together, the closer you will become. You may even realise that some critics were correct in their assessments. Be willing to change direction when a certain method isn't working. Clinging to an idea makes people lose respect for you.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Working independently is the only way to get anything done. Trying to make important decisions with a committee will fall flat. A colleague is frustrated by your unilateral approach, but you can't stop to take their concerns into account. A lot of responsibility is weighing on you. Unless you take action, you'll miss an opportunity to salvage your employer's reputation. Sometimes a sincere apology is all that is necessary to restore a customer's good will. Put things right now.

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