
You want to improve your skills, but need to adopt a more modest attitude to do so. Yes, you have many admirable talents, but you have a lot to learn, too. By giving a teacher or mentor the proper respect, you can go further than you've ever imagined. There's a good chance this person will promote your interests after you've mastered your lessons. Making friends is the name of the game; don't be arrogant!

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Dipping into your savings could jeopardise your financial future if you're not careful. Although friends and associates seem to be much wealthier than you, that doesn't mean you need to match their purchases. The fact is, they are probably in a great deal of debt. By limiting your purchases to what you can afford, you'll avoid lots of trouble and heartache. Keep your long-term goals clearly in sight.

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An angry outburst could hurt someone's feelings, and at first you're glad. Gradually, however, your defiance will turn to shame. You're too sensitive to delight in another person's heartache. Issuing a sincere public apology is the only way out of this mess. This is a particularly bad time to attract negative attention, as it could backfire in unexpected ways. If you catch your temper starting to rise, remove yourself to a private location.

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You're preoccupied with private matters, which could undermine your work performance. Take care not to disappoint colleagues by working past deadlines or turning in a lacklustre performance. It may be tempting to rebel against a mentor's methods, but keep in mind that their experience is worth something. If you disagree, do it respectfully. Initiating a childish confrontation will only reflect badly on you.

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You're so wrapped up in a social whirlwind you could forget the needs of a child. Scale back your schedule in favour of spending more time with your young friend. If you don't have any such pals, you may want to stop neglecting your creative talents. Hanging out with the gang is lots of fun, but it may prevent you from pursuing your imagination. Factor in a little private time for solitary activities.

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You're highly ambitious, but there's more to life than public recognition. Going home to a comfortable private space is equally important. Unless you have secure grounding, you'll never find true satisfaction from your accomplishments. Take a little more effort in creating a quiet spot where you can retreat from the pressures of the outside world. Your quest for power will be balanced by inner contentment.

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You're anxious to make an important decision, but all the facts aren't in yet. Don't assume you can operate on instinct with this project. The more informed you are, the more successful you'll be. Your refusal to commit may delay some minor work, but that's better than wasting your time on what proves to be a pointless exercise. Assuming a patient attitude will win the confidence of your colleagues.

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Taking an overly aggressive opinion toward a love interest could result in disaster. If you're consumed with feelings of jealousy, channel your rage into a creative project. Lashing out against your rival will only turn the tide in their favour. In the event you're already in a relationship, try giving your partner a little more freedom. Your relationship can't possibly thrive if you're always undermining it with suspicious thoughts.

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Steamrolling over a friend's wants and needs is a grave mistake. Yes, you have big plans and dreams, but that doesn't give you carte blanche to ignore everybody else's ambitions. Take some time to talk with a romantic or business partner. Look for ways you can combine efforts to realise both your goals. Otherwise, you could lose the person who has been instrumental to your success until now. Think about it.

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Working without recognition is sapping you of valuable energy. Although you've always been famous for being the most capable person around, this position needs to come with benefits. Otherwise, you'll be left struggling while everybody else is having a great time. Stop offering to relieve others of their duties, and make more time for spiritually meaningful activities. You've got to make happiness your first priority.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're not particularly concerned with the group right now; all you care about is having fun. And while your attitude is understandable, you should know that now is not the time to scale back your duties. By making more of an effort to cooperate, you and your friends could overcome some tremendous hurdles. Once these tasks are fulfilled, you can play around all you want. At present, though, you need to rejoin the team.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Angry feelings could be undermining your professional success. You've got to work through some strong emotions if you're going to find your place in the sun. Forgiving someone who committed horrible acts may be part of this process. Just because you relinquish your rage doesn't mean you have to associate with this character. It just means you've released their power over you. Wouldn't that be a relief?

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