
A career setback isn't the end of the world. Reach out to your loved ones for comfort. They know how hard you have worked. By listening to their encouraging words, you'll find the resolve to try again. Everything is unfolding in perfect time. If a dream no longer captivates you, exchange it for another. You're constantly evolving. It's only natural to outgrow interests. Give yourself permission to explore an idea that fills you with excitement. Learn as much as you can about an artist, musician or painter.

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A narrow minded attitude will result in a lost opportunity. Try putting your assumptions aside for the sake of growth. By allowing a newcomer to develop their own style, you'll pave the way for a great working relationship. Be patient, kind and encouraging. If you're unemployed, it will take longer than expected to land a good position. Be patient. Devote some time each day to applying for work. Then devote the rest of your day to activities that give you comfort, inspiration and happiness.

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Heavy taxes, expensive insurance premiums or hidden fees will take a toll on your budget. Don't worry. You'll find the necessary money. It's a question of focus. Make a list of ways in which you are prosperous. This will attract a lucrative work assignment. You're tempted to do something irresponsible. Everybody falls prey to temptation. If you're morally conflicted about what you want to do, indulge yourself in some other way. Take some time off work to rest, relax and catch up on your reading.

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You don't feel especially popular. That's because you were forced to make an unpleasant decision. This wasn't easy, but it was the best financial move possible. Instead of defending your choice, keep busy with activities that need your attention. The resentment towards you will fade. Stop beating yourself up for mismanaging funds. Everyone makes mistakes. Now you've identified the problem, you'll do a better job. Give yourself a gold star for changing course. If you feel inspired to take a course in personal financial management, do it.

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Work feels unpleasant. Morale is low and the surroundings are stressful. It's hard to be productive. Ask your boss if you can work from home. If that's not possible, start looking for a better position. Do some research into companies that treat its staff well. A package or letter will be delayed. It's not time to panic yet. Spend a few minutes each day imagining that this delivery arrives in your mailbox. Picture yourself holding this object in your hands, smiling with pleasure.

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You're making lots of sacrifices for a child or loving partner. These gestures aren't appreciated. Instead of continuing to make these empty gestures, do something nice for yourself. Go for a spa treatment, take an afternoon nap or splash out on new clothes. You're tired of being in the spotlight. Everyone depends on you for answers. The pressure is incredible. Be willing to admit you're not sure what to do. This will prompt the whole group to come together and brainstorm.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Nothing feels comfortable about your domestic situation. Hiring a cleaning service can deepen your appreciation of home. Walking in the door after a long day of work will feel refreshing instead of oppressive. Treat the cost as an investment in your happiness. A spiritual practice makes you feel stable and secure. You've been lying awake at night worrying about money. By training your mind to overcome anxiety, your financial situation will improve. Money will flow into your bank account, allowing you to satisfy debts and build savings.

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Negative thinking is driving opportunity from your door. Do whatever you can to lift your spirits. Listen to upbeat music, read an inspirational book or watch a funny movie. Be relentless about bombarding yourself with positive messages. Your grumpy attitude will crumble. Justice is on its way. Something that was withheld from you will finally come into your possession. This will come as a tremendous relief. Don't waste valuable time dwelling on resentment. Just move forward; the future is bright.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A financial loss is disappointing, but it's not the end of the world. You're good at attracting moneymaking opportunities. If you're looking for a better job, you could find one involving travel, education or the law. Ask for the highest end of the pay scale. Don't pretend to know more about a subject than you do. It's better to admit your ignorance and ask for guidance. It will come as a relief to people who are always intimidated by your vast expertise in other areas.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A lack of confidence is undermining your progress. Just because you are trying something new doesn't mean you will fail. Give yourself permission to be a beginner. Nobody expects you to be perfect on the first try. You must walk before you can fly. Don't panic over a career standstill. When things slow down, it's a sign you must catch up to all the changes that have occurred. Stop pushing yourself forward and focus on enjoying the moment. Stillness is not the enemy.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Getting a handle on your fears will be liberating. It's important to remember that anxiety is irrational. It's worrying about the future, which hasn't happened yet. Rather than imagining the worst-case scenario, try assuming everything will work to your advantage. You're not in a sociable mood. Avoiding a party will be cause for regret. Push yourself to go, even if it's just for a little while. Your mood will improve the moment you walk through the door.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Making friends with someone because they are influential in your desired industry is a mistake. You should develop relationships based mutual admiration. Although there's nothing wrong with using social connections to advance your career, you should beware of opportunistic tendencies. Secrets make you nervous. If someone asks you to cover up their activities, politely refuse. You don't want to be involved in this deception. If your loved one lashes out in anger, it's because they have a guilty conscience.

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