
A romantic or business partner will exhibit impulsive behaviour. It will be difficult to contain your anger, but try anyway. Any remarks you make now will come back to haunt you. All close relationships are undergoing strain. It will be challenging to accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative. Any alliances that have become toxic need to be ended as quickly as possible. Don't waste your time with people who fail to treat you with respect and consideration. You can do better.

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You're doing the lion's share of the work. It isn't fair to be operating at such an efficient level when everyone else is being lazy. Unfortunately, complaints will fall on deaf ears. The best way to protect your interests is to mimic the behaviour of your colleagues. Once the powers that be detect the dramatic drop in productivity, new rules will be instated. Until then, take this opportunity to catch up on your rest. Continuing to do the job of three people is seriously compromising your health.

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This isn't a good time to play fast and loose with resources. You've worked hard to accumulate your possessions. It would be a shame to lose them. If you're thinking about confessing a crush, remain silent. Watch the object of your affection. You might discover they are embroiled in a secret affair. Alternatively, you might observe some behaviour that causes your affection to dry up like a salted snail. Appearances are deceiving. Do your best to maintain the status quo during this rocky period.

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A strong need for security could cling stubbornly to a toxic career. Stop telling yourself you can't lose your job. Continuing to operate in a dysfunctional environment will take a toll on your health. Fortunately, you're an extremely capable person. It shouldn't be difficult for you to find another position. Don't be afraid to explore opportunities completely unrelated to your present field. A change could be very beneficial. Search the wanted ads and join an employment agency.

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Beware of jumping to conclusions, especially about legal matters. Listening to just one person's side of the story could be disastrous. A charming manipulator will have their audience in tears with a tale of woe. Then, when someone asks pointed questions, they quickly become evasive and defensive. It would be a shame to give such a person the benefit of the doubt, particularly if they have told tales about another individual's behaviour. This is how reputations are destroyed.

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Putting too much emphasis on financial gain will make you miserable. Seek to satisfy your spiritual needs instead. This could involve anything from a walk in the woods to visiting a house of worship or reading an inspiring book. If you feel like your contributions aren't being valued, find a place where you will be appreciated. Volunteering at an animal or homeless shelter could bolster your ego. It gives you pleasure to help those requiring extra measures of care, compassion and concern.

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Be careful about pushing people too hard. You might think you know what is best for an individual, but they won't agree. It's better to keep silent when you witness problematic behaviour. Some people just can't be rescued. Resist the urge to get directly involved and if necessary contact a professional. You never know how someone will react when confronted. Conflict should be avoided at all costs. Tempers are running high. Small disagreements will quickly escalate.

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You won't be able to express grievances to the powers that be. Filing a complaint will only attract negative attention. Your best course of action is to watch, listen and wait. Eventually, someone important will get wind of a bad situation. At that point, the problem will be corrected. While you're waiting, you explore other opportunities. Leaving an abusive situation will be empowering. You have the ability to find a better situation, thanks to your impressive research skills.

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Being a force for disruption is a pleasant prospect for you. Unfortunately, it could make you very unpopular. Most people want to maintain the status quo. Railing against an acceptable set of rules will just make them angry. Pick your battles carefully. If everyone seems to be prospering under the current situation that you find personally inconvenient, stay silent. The last thing you want is to rock the boat. Keep your long term interests in mind, especially regarding community affairs.

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This isn't a good time to make a power play. Forcing someone to carry out a questionable directive will cause a great deal of resentment. It's better to raise these issues again with your superiors. If they insist on doing things a certain way, you should perform the job yourself. Do you find this work objectionable? Then you might have to issue an ultimatum. It isn't fair to expect the rank and file to perform work that puts them in a bad light.

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You can lead a horse to water, but you can't force it to drink. Although you possess superior experience and education, there won't be an opportunity to share it with the group. The authorities have given someone else the job of teaching a complicated subject. The instructor's inexperience will be woefully apparent. Don't mock their ineptitude. If someone asks you for help with an assignment, politely refuse. You don't want to be accused of rocking the boat.

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You will accidentally uncover upsetting information. Bringing this problem to light will cause more problems for you. It will be better to pretend you never saw a confidential report or email. If someone tells you an embarrassing story about a friend, relative or colleague, don't repeat it. Spreading gossip will compromise your reputation. It's important to maintain your reputation as a discreet person who can be trusted. A thankful authority figure might even give you a reward for your silence.

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