
You will be put in charge of an important work project. Take this opportunity to showcase the individual talents of your staff. Staying in the background will earn the team's respect. Too often, people in power command the spotlight, taking credit for all sorts of work they never performed. You won't make the same mistake. If you want a promotion, now is the time to apply for one. Compile a list of accomplishments. Documenting your achievements will make it difficult to turn down your request.

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An interest in a foreign culture will prompt you to read an interesting book. After acquiring deeper knowledge of this civilisation, you might decide to take a trip. Touring a foreign country will lift your spirits. You may decide to take your life in a totally different direction. Nothing inspires you like exotic sights, scents and colour combinations. A friend will admire your work and offer to show it to a gallery owner. This will be a welcome opportunity to meet some fellow artists.

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Resourceful management of money impresses your boss. No matter how small your budget, you manage to produce impressive work. Take this opportunity to land some plum assignments. Just because you can spin straw into gold doesn't mean you should get stuck with all the drudgery. Are you unemployed? Put in an application with an agency. It may be the best way to find a position that suits your skill set. Be sure to emphasise your desire for a position that involves multi-tasking.

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Your best friend has been encouraging you to make a big change. Now you're ready to take the plunge. Attaining expert status will boost your self esteem. Sign up for an advanced course or study with a respected master. You'll enjoy delving deep into a subject you love. The best part will be finding books and articles that were on the verge of becoming obscure. By integrating these materials into a research project, you'll impress your instructor and get a good grade.

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Becoming more efficient at work is a matter of organisation. Clear your desk of clutter. Having a streamlined workspace will help you move from project to project with relative ease. If you are unemployed, you can find a job through a former boss. They'll be happy to bring you back on board. It will be reassuring to work for someone who you know. Understanding their quirks and expectations will push you up the ladder to success. The pay might not be spectacular, but the spin off benefits will be.

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A romance is greatly enhanced by physical chemistry. It's great to feel so deeply connected to your partner. Very few people realise how sensual you are. All they see is your veneer of cool sophistication. Fortunately, your amour knows the real you. When the doors are closed, you can barely keep your hands off each other. Are you single? You will meet someone special at a trivia game contest or karaoke bar. It's hard to resist the allure of someone who has great bone structure.

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A love of nature will send you outdoors. Spending time in a park, garden or forest will chase your troubles away. The miraculous perfection of plants and animals makes you realise your problems are insignificant. Yield all illusion of control to the Universe. Let yourself go with the flow. Unexpected gifts arrive when you stop obsessing over inconsequential matters. Your health will also improve after releasing fears about the future. A relative could come to the rescue with a financial matter.

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A business class will be more interesting than you expect. You will discover a hidden talent for an emerging field. Getting an official certificate will improve your job prospects. Don't be afraid to switch career paths. You have a tendency to stick with projects long after they've served their purpose. Adopting a more flexible attitude will serve you well. Opportunities related to the housing market, banking and management will be very lucrative. This is your chance to establish economic security.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You are very enterprising about money matters. The idea for a business, product or service is worth developing. A generous relative could give you the start up capital for this venture. If you've always wanted to launch a home based company, now is the time to do so. You'll have to take a big risk, but that's just the sort of thing you enjoy. Being your own boss will be infinitely more satisfying than working for somebody else. Exercise your independence.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Undergoing a personal transformation has caused you to see life differently. You're more compassionate towards people who get on your nerves. It's easier to work with those who have different skills. Instead of wielding your knowledge over others, you are more open to learning from others. Let a young person who has impressive technical skills show you how to operate a software program or gadget. This ability to defer to others will only increase people's respect.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Improving conditions at a hospital, jail or government agency will be a good use of your organisational skills. You have wonderful ideas for making these places more humane and cost effective. Meeting with a politician is highly recommended. Don't be surprised if you're put in charge of a commission to preside over this transformation. You're the best person for the job. If you play your cards right, you'll land a salaried position with good benefits and a pension plan. That's worth its weight in gold.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your goals are undergoing some changes. Don't be afraid to abandon an old dream for a new one. Your needs have evolved over the years. What once seemed like a compelling dream now seems like a quaint childhood vision. You have bigger fish to fry. Putting your creative work before the public should be your first priority. Go on auditions, submit a story to an agent, or meet with a boutique owner. If you play your cards right, you could garner some favourable publicity.

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