
You’re brimming with energy and physically could move mountains but psychologically there is something holding you back. You’re feeling pretty fragmented, torn perhaps between a should-I-go-or-should-I-stay decision. Whatever you choose your powers of recovery are so formidable - you’ll cope.

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A day to knuckle under, when hard work and perseverance help you overcome snags and frustrations. The planets have a revitalising affect on any area you deem to be private or intimate to you, suggesting that your whole life will benefit if you feel at ease with yourself deep down and within.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Past disagreements re-emerge and you realise you have been arguing over the same issue dressed in different words for longer than needs be. On considering the futility of it all, perhaps it’s time to lay down your arms, not in an admission of defeat but as a noble act of humility.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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A new acquaintance's enthusiasm for a chancy venture is a shade too pushy and you’d be wise to be suspicious. Stand your ground if someone tries to bulldoze you into anything you don't want to do. Only go with changes that cannot be avoided but do not initiate any that are unnecessary.

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If you have been harbouring unhappy feelings, they are about to come to a head when a disagreement or muted sulks brings deep emotions rushing to the surface. By cleaning up a love-hate relationship you will then be free to restore order to your emotional life and go after what you really want.

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You have something to get excited about but someone tries to cast a shadow over your happiness. Take it from me this person resents your good fortune and can never be happy for you. Their behaviour means they no longer have a part to play in your world, in which case don’t bother to placate them.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Your suggestions are well respected and you’ve done well at getting your views across. But be careful that you really DO mean what you say, as before you know it others will spread the word and act on your ideas. In matter of hours it will be too late to decide you’ve changed your mind.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Someone tries reading between the lines but fails to understand the message. This causes chaos when plans backfire and you don't get the support you were expecting. Prepare yourself for opposition to your ideas but if you feel strongly enough about something then you must carry on alone.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Mischievous stars bring travel delays or detours so don’t expect to get anywhere fast. Even so, such trivia should not be allowed to put you off as wherever you are now, the fine Mars/Pluto trine will enable you blast any rubbish into the past and transform your life for the good of all.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Where there is contention about joint finances or possessions, you are faced with the fact that there’s no going back. Remain cool, as once everything is evenly divided, you will be in an even stronger economic position as you have far more control over your personal pecuniary matters.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're ultra-sensitive and too quick to judge, feeling as if you're being attacked or reprimanded when others are only trying to help. You take offence too easily and to avoid dramas should base all assumptions on fact, not fiction, that way you'll avoid arousing unnecessary animosity.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A positive Mars/Pluto link helps you accept and recognise your true potential inspiring you to follow a life direction that suits your purpose. Write off past ambitions or intentions no longer viable, not that they were wasted - on the contrary, they provided a valuable lesson as to what NOT to do.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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