
Although you've always been independent, you don't like being alone. Finding satisfaction in solitude is an important step for you. Practice spending quiet time alone for a few minutes each day. Eventually, you'll stop wanting to fill this period with frenetic phone calls, text messages and e-mails. Being on your own can also increase your productivity, because it trains you to tune out distractions. Inner peace isn't as elusive as you think.

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You've always had great faith in your friends, but it may be better to trust your own abilities today. People have a way of forgetting responsibilities or packing too many activities into their schedule. This could end in a bitter disappointment for you. Rather than relying on a pal for help, do the job yourself. If it's too big for one person, hire a professional. Why put unnecessary strain on your personal life?

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Resist the urge to rebel against authority, no matter how strong the temptation. You can't afford to burn your bridges today. Yes, you may be asked to perform some unfair duties, but so has everybody else. If you really feel this situation is intolerable, walk away without a fanfare. Making a scene will only undermine your professional reputation. Demonstrating grace under fire helps attract bigger and better opportunities.

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You may lack the practical experience to judge someone's theories. Don't be so quick to contradict what this expert says or your love of debate and discussion could put you in an embarrassing position. Going back to the school desk, studying a foreign language, or living abroad can expand your horizons considerably. Consider these options if you feel as though you're falling behind. Summon up your competitive spirit.

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Normally, you hate change, but today you may be pressing for it. Let things develop in their own time. Putting pressure on people will only make them nervous. It's not easy to make rational decisions in a stressful environment. If you feel yourself becoming anxious, go outside. Take a walk, breathe the air and observe the balance of nature. This will help you to put your problems into their proper perspective.

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The disruptive behaviour of a lover or business colleague is making you nervous. You like to know where you stand, but this person isn't extending you that courtesy. It may be time to put your foot down. It's all well and good to make allowances for this person's sensitive nature, but eventually, things have to return to normal. Set some perimeters for your relationship. Otherwise, it may fall apart at the seams.

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Work may slow down to a trickle, making you nervous and scared. Usually, you'd welcome the prospect of a little more free time. These days you prefer being busy. If you sense your current job won't be sustained for much longer, look around for other sources of employment. A person with your taste and intelligence may want to work for an organisation that provides luxury services to the public.

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If there's anything you can't stand, it's playing it safe. Unfortunately, your desire for adventure could lead you down some unsavoury paths. Consider the effect of your behaviour on your nearest and dearest. A clandestine affair or shady business deal could expose your loved ones to embarrassment, ridicule and heartache. Find healthier forms of stimulation, like exercise, schooling or creative projects.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You need a secure domestic life, no matter how free spirited you are. If you feel restless when you come home, it may be a result of your decor. Painting the walls soothing colours like sage, lilac or cocoa will prompt you to rest and relax, rather than run right out the door. You should also try to integrate a variety of textures into all rooms. Experiment with wicker furniture, chenille upholstery and sisal rugs.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It's hard for you to focus right now, mainly because people keep asking you for advice and help. Turning the phone off for just two hours can help. So can hanging a 'do not disturb' sign on your door. If you're hopelessly behind, you may want to rearrange your schedule. There's no point in trying to meet an impossible deadline. Ask the powers-that-be for an extension. It may be your only recourse.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Being practical about financial matters sounds terribly boring, but if you want the freedom to go where you want and do as you'd like, you need to take precautions. Start putting a set amount of your money aside on a regular basis. Review your spending habits to see if there are areas in which you can economise. If you're stretched to the limit, you may have to ask for a raise.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You could be very stubborn about getting your way, which doesn't help your love life. If you're single, it may be because you expect too much from your suitors. Suspend your judgement when meeting new people. In the event you're already in a relationship, perform a little experiment. See what happens when you give more than you receive. You'll be taken aback by the dramatic improvement in your sex life.

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