
The secret to your success with a romantic partner is shared ideals. As much as you admire someone who takes risks, you'll never be interested unless they have principles. Contrary to what you think, it isn't necessary for you to have the same moral code. You may differ on several critical issues. What is important is you both approach life with a sense of morality. You should join forces with someone who shares your desire to be a good person.

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It will take time and effort to help a partner overcome their fear of intimacy. Fortunately, you are famous for your persistence. Instead of abandoning ship at the first sign of trouble, you become even more tenacious. Getting to the heart of your amour's struggle will be difficult. You'll have to have several difficult conversations before the truth comes out. When it does, be compassionate. Expect rejection in the early stages. Eventually, your loved one will be receptive to your help.

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You're tired of seeing a friend sell themselves short. Urging them to take a risk won't yield fruit at first. They'll resent you for meddling in their affairs. Continue to apply gentle pressure. At some point, your loved one will realise you have been offering great advice. Once they assume control of their destiny, positive changes will occur. At that point, you must continue to fill them with praise and encouragement. After they've crossed the finish line, you should give yourself a few pep talks.

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You understand your partner's fear of abandonment. No matter how much you assure them of your loyalty, they'll be distrustful. Therefore, the only thing you can do is be consistent. Actions always speak louder than words. When your amour understands you have no intention of leaving for greener pastures, they'll start to relax. Soon, they'll be more forthcoming about their hopes, dreams and fears. At that point, you can build something truly great together. Be content with baby steps. Your loved one is still healing from deep wounds.

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A close relationship offers a welcome haven from public life. Feel free to take the day off and spend quality time with your favourite person. You're overdue for some pampering. Lately, you've been going above and beyond the call of duty at work, yet nobody seems to care. Even family members seem indifferent to the sacrifices you've made. One person does fully understand how hard you've been working. Spending time with them helps your ego recover. Break with routine and enjoy a fun outing.

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Lots of pressure is being exerted on you and a partner. You have a choice: Either pull together or work against one another. If you pick the former, you'll make great strides towards vanquishing a common enemy. Turning on each other will result in disaster. Resist the temptation to correct your friend in the presence of others. By forming a united front, you'll make it harder for people to block your path. You can always discuss any disagreements later, in the privacy of your own home.

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Your best friend or romantic partner will give the reassurance you need to move forward. You've been dreading a decision for a long time. Now there is no other choice but to pick a path. You will encounter difficulty whichever direction you go. Fortunately, you won't face these problems alone. Having a supportive person by your side will allow you to not only survive, but thrive. Treat this situation as an opportunity to become more confrontational.

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It will be necessary to stop a pushy colleague from steamrolling over you. Just because they have more power and influence does not mean you have to carry out their orders. If this aggressor continues to treat you disrespectfully, you should take the matter to your supervisor. There's no reason you should tolerate this kind of abuse. Bullies have a tendency to throw their weight around, but when they encounter someone who won't put up with their nonsense, they'll disappear.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Let an experienced friend show you the ropes. Usually, you're the one providing lessons to others. Now the shoe is on the other foot and it feels uncomfortable. Take some deep breaths and resign yourself to the fact you're in unfamiliar territory. You're bound to look awkward at first. By letting your instructor demonstrate intricate tasks, you'll soon get the hang of things. It's natural to experience discomfort at this juncture; you're undergoing a transitional phase.

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Don't let an irresponsible friend tempt you into abandoning responsibilities. Although you're tired of holding down the fort, there's nobody else to do it. Until you find a substitute, you should remain loyal to your job. You're the one who has to accept the consequences for your actions, not your loved one. If it's been a long time since you've socialised, make plans to get together at a later date. By that time, you'll find someone to fill in for you while you're having fun.

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Take this opportunity to cheer up a friend who has been suffering from anxiety. Finding a pleasant diversion from their troubles will be satisfying. Treat them to lunch and a movie. Go for a walk together. Collaborate on a creative project. Do anything designed to take their mind off an ongoing problem. Instead of bringing up their fears, focus on engrossing topics like books, current affairs and music. Providing a respite from their obsessions will help your loved one relax.

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You err on the side of being too lenient or too strict. Either extreme will be ineffective. Choose your battles wisely. Publically challenging an insubordinate but talented individual will make you look insecure. Instead, talk to this individual in a private setting. Make it clear they have to follow the rules everyone else does or there will be consequences. Be direct and don't get drawn into an argument. Unless you address their disrespectful attitude, others will feel you're not being fair.

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