
You're starting to think a great deal of your past, especially in terms of how you were raised. Now you're old enough to make your own choices, you may decide to dispense with certain beliefs and while these attitudes may have slowed your growth in certain ways, there's no sense in dwelling on your disappointment. You're in charge now, so make the most of the opportunities ahead. The future's so bright, you need sunglasses.

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Intense curiosity prompts you to poke your nose into places where it doesn't belong. Resist the urge to comment on the lives of your friends and neighbours. Otherwise, these relationships will start to suffer. Nobody likes to feel they're being judged. Maybe your desire to snoop is rooted in boredom. Taking a class or going on a short trip are healthy channels for all of your restless energy.

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Adopting a practical approach towards finances will keep anxiousness at bay. Pay careful attention to where your money goes over the next three weeks. Keep a record of everything you spend, even if it's only a magazine or newspaper. By the end of the month, you'll see a pattern developing. You may be especially susceptible to wasteful spending when you're feeling emotional. Find ways to soothe your spirit that don't involve shopping.

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You've always been very insightful, but you'll be extremely so for the next three weeks. Don't be surprised if you're put in charge of an important project. You'll also have great success with presenting ideas to the public. People enjoy how you put a positive spin on sensitive issues, and may seek out your advice. If you've ever wanted to be a counsellor or coach, now is the time to explore such avenues.

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Some people may accuse you of having a photographic memory between now and late June. That's because you soak up your environment like a sponge. Why not use your observational skills to write a book or paint a picture? You'll be surprised at what images come to mind while you're working on such a project. If you're haunted by thoughts of a lost love, record your impressions in a private diary.

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You'll be more open to having new experiences, which is an exciting development. Normally, you're intent on carrying out a set routine, believing this makes you more productive and disciplined. Over the next three weeks you'll discover there is a benefit from straying off the straight and narrow. Let a trusted family member introduce you to foreign foods, different reading materials and thought provoking movies.

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An ambitious attitude helps you find ways to advance in surprising ways. If you're looking for a job, send out a slew of CVs, even to companies that aren't advertising for help. Set up as many job interviews as possible over the next three weeks. Discuss your dream job with friends, neighbours and relatives. Eventually, someone will hear of your skills and offer you an impressive position. You've got to ask for what you want.

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You'll say what you mean and mean what you say between now and the end of the month. That's because you're tired of maintaining a facade to make others feel comfortable. If you don't feel somebody is working hard enough, say so. Conversely, if it seems as though a friend isn't getting enough credit for their contributions, draw attention to their strengths. Being truthful doesn't necessarily mean being hurtful. Explore the possibility of learning a foreign language.

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Cultivating the fine art of flirting isn't as frivolous as it sounds. It's important to know how to communicate your interest effectively. If you're already in a relationship, wouldn't it be helpful to find ways of seducing your partner into doing what you want? Take your cues from a romantically successful friend or colleague. Ask this person for tips on how to connect with others through words, body language and eye contact.

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You'll be something of an expert in human psychology in the weeks ahead. All of a sudden, you'll notice things about others that previously escaped your attention. Act as though you're conducting a study of some sort. Focus on looking and listening, rather than interacting. In time, you'll get a better handle on what makes people tick. This insight will be especially helpful when you're forced to deal with a rival.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Creating order out of chaos will be your first order of business over the next three weeks. If your home or office looks as though a tornado hit it, get to work. Hire a cleaner if you need to. Most importantly, assign a place for every single possession you own. This will help you find what you need at a moment's notice. If you're already neat and organised, collect notes for a writing project.

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If you want to be considered an authority in your chosen field, get to work. Sign up for advanced courses. Get a graduate degree in your field of interest. Find work in your area of expertise. If you're already doing what you love, lift your expectations to reflect those of a seasoned professional. In the past, you've had a tendency to underplay your gifts. It's time to claim your rightful place in the winner's circle.

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