
Take responsibility for your actions. If you've been angry and defensive, own it. Make sincere apologies to your loved ones. It's understandable you are anxious. Stress has a bad effect on people. When fear or anger overwhelm you, stop and take deep breaths. Find an outlet for these feelings. Exercise can be very therapeutic. So can writing in a diary, singing loudly or working with tools. Choose whatever activity cultivates contentment. Don't take out frustrations on your nearest and dearest.

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You're not willing to face an unpleasant situation. The sooner you admit the truth, the better your situation will become. A lack of education or experience is holding you back. Getting some advance training is critical. You will have to put some dreams on hold while working towards a degree or certificate. Any worthy goal requires sacrifice. By staying focused, you'll pave the way for professional opportunities and your personal life will radically improve. You'll have more freedom to live where you want.

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Refusing to play by the rules will reflect badly on you. It's unreasonable to do your own thing when everyone else has to adhere to regulations. Put your ego aside for the sake of the group. If your business or romantic partner is pushing you to make a scene, have a private discussion. Explain you are in a delicate situation and can't afford to make enemies. You need all the support you can get. Stirring the pot will just make life more difficult.

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It's important to acknowledge your limitations. If you have too much on your plate, ask for help. People won't look down on you. Even the most powerful leaders aren't all knowing. The most effective ones recognise this and admit their shortcomings freely. Be open to learning valuable skills from a colleague who is younger than you. Everybody has something important to bring to the table. When you acknowledge the strengths of others, you cultivate good morale.

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You don't have much patience for people who strictly adhere to a belief system. As far as you're concerned, it's possible to have a philosophy that allows you to mix with different people. If you're coping with somebody who distains your values, stay calm. Understand that their behaviour is rooted in insecurity. Be as polite as you can when dealing with this narrow minded individual. Afterwards, you can recharge your batteries with friends who unconditionally love you.

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An urge to burn your bridges will be overpowering. You're tired of dealing with someone who is always stealing your joy. Instead of making a drastic break, create a plan. Explore your options. Finding a different job or place of your own is possible, but it will take time. Once you've put all the pieces in place, you can make a smooth transition that won't blow up in your face. Be gracious to those who haven't been kind to you. You'll walk away with all the spoils.

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You won't be able to rely on a business or romantic partner. If an important job has to be done, handle it yourself. You will be pressed for time. Don't make the situation more difficult by biting off more than you can chew. Prioritising work is critical. Instead of spending lots of time on your appearance, opt for a casual look. Wearing comfortable clothes will boost your productivity. It's easier to focus when you aren't distracted by tight shoes and constraining fashions.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Health problems are taking a toll on you. The best way to recuperate is to get rest. Resist the temptation to spring from your sickbed at the first sign of improvement. You need time for your energy to be restored. Ask neighbours, relatives and colleagues to carry out your responsibilities while you're regaining your strength. You can't be expected to do all the work in this condition. Job related stress could be a sign it is time for you to find another position.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Refusing to cooperate will cause deep resentment. Instead let a friend or loved one have their way. Letting them take the lead will shift the balance of power in your relationship. This is healthy. Nobody should be in charge all the time. You'll have difficulty suppressing your feelings when your friend does something that doesn't suit you. Bite your tongue anyway. Your ego will benefit from playing second banana. There's a good chance you will be impressed by your loved one's choices.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Moodiness is setting in. It's difficult to relax and enjoy yourself when you feel victim to anger and sorrow. Try not to sweat the small stuff. When minor setbacks occur, be philosophical. This could be the Universe's way of making you change gear. Taking a different route to work or using old fashioned methods will be empowering. It's never easy venturing into unfamiliar territory. Each time you try something new, you'll become more and more confident. Push the envelope and see what happens.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Technical difficulties will throw a spanner in the works. When trouble occurs, stay calm. Having an alternative plan ready will be helpful. You should also keep your mobile charged. You won't feel prone to panic if you know help is at your disposal. A well intentioned neighbour or relative may offer the wrong type of assistance. If this happens, be gracious. Lashing out at kind people will only make a bad situation worse. You're about to get a lesson in patience. Be prepared.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Don't let your preoccupation with material matters cause you to lose sight of the big picture. Your most precious possession is your imagination. Developing it through creative activities is essential to your wellbeing. Whether you enjoy writing poetry, taking photographs or dancing is immaterial. The important thing is to find ways to transcend mundane reality. It will easier to pay the bills when you devote a certain amount of time each day to art. When you're emotionally satisfied, you attract material abundance.

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