
Laziness is what is causing you to slip back into negative behaviour patterns or an unhealthy lifestyle. On the other side of the same coin, overdoing it could lead to you missing out for a wee while due to an injury or strain. Don't take setbacks too seriously today. You could probably do with escaping to a place where you can get away from the pressure of your everyday world and restore your equilibrium.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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A friend or lover finds a way to evade their obligations; you had expected more commitment from them. Your biggest temptation will be to take over their responsibilities but in the long run this is neither doing yourself or them any favours. If someone isn't serious about their commitments now, they aren't likely to change their attitude in the future. Unless you want to end up with their duties as well as your own, leave them to sort out their own problems!

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You might decide to splash out and give your home a facelift or purchase some new furniture. You've had a secret desire to improve your surroundings for a long time and now you are ready to get started on your plans. A housemate might object to all the upheaval but you aren't listening. You know everyone will soon benefit from your decisions and anyway, redecorating the home is a great way to promote your artistic interests!

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You will no longer put up with other people's excuses as to why they keep neglecting their obligations towards you. If they weren't serious when they made promises or took on certain jobs, they should never have got involved. If you're coming to realise you're in a relationship that's all wrong for you, what's the point of allowing it to continue? Emotionally, you will soon pick yourself up and you deserve the chance to try again with someone who is right for you.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Your partner may have a moral objection to some of your financial dealings. A critical factor in your relationships is the ability to acknowledge and respect other people's views. You could be suffering from selective hearing, only acknowledging what fits your version of reality. With the right attitude a business or financial deal could be guided onto a less risky and more secure footing. As for your feet, you should keep them planted firmly on the ground!

Get todays Leo horoscope
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Now is not the time to deliberate if you are thinking about making a fresh start or trying something new. If you aren't happy in your current position, look into changing jobs or even moving home. Making changes will not jeopardise your relationships or your personal life as long as you involve all those who matter in your plans. You are free now to make choices which could affect your long term future. Be sure you make the right ones.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Being too deeply engrossed in your own affairs stops you from seeing opportunities under your nose. You might feel as if certain hopes and desires are being thwarted but it depends on which perspective you are coming from. You might want to get ahead independently and that's why you're subconsciously ignoring the help on offer. You don't have to depend on others completely but you could accept their occasional assistance, with thanks.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Temporarily shelved ideas now come up for another scrutiny. You need to take a long, cool look at the new situation. It is entirely possible a different set of people are now assessing the potential of your proposals. You need to convince them all of the value of your ideas and the only way to do this is to suss out one person at a time. You will need different methods of persuasion depending on where each one is coming from. Rely on intuition as much as your common sense.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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There's a lot going on to keep you interested and active but your energy levels will start to fall as the day wears on. It is a better time to concentrate on mental activities rather than doing anything too physical. Start downshifting into a relaxed mood early in the evening and refuse to allow anyone to persuade you to go out when all you crave is a lazy night in.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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If you haven't already done so there is still time to set new projects of a long term nature underway. Enrolling on a study or training course is one example but don't overlook the possibility of a change of direction in your career. If for instance promotional prospects arise in another department, don't hesitate to apply for the position especially if this might fulfil one of your personal hopes for the future.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Taking on a spare time job might be one way to increase your earnings. The main question you should ask yourself before making a firm commitment is: are you doing this because you want to or you are being forced to? Don't be a martyr. Letting people know how you feel is one way to prevent future misunderstandings. Stop letting other people influence your decisions especially when it comes to how you live your life.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Matters persist in going wrong today and you seem to have a terrible sense of timing! You might almost complete one task when something or someone gets in the way to prevent you reaching a successful conclusion. If things get too difficult, consider the possibility you aren't handling situations or people in a way to benefit yourself. You need to work on more appropriate methods and that includes deciding on your priorities and sticking with your intentions.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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