
Taking exercise gives you a luscious glow; so if you're single, go to the gym. You could lock eyes with a trim athlete who is reading an interesting book or magazine. Go ahead and introduce yourself, or a rival will beat you to the chase. If you're already in a relationship, you will get some terrific news from your partner. This is cause for celebration! A new job, raise or promotion will allow the two of you to travel in style.

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Expressing your frustrations in a healthy way will result in an exciting breakthrough. For the past few weeks, you've been forced to cope with a difficult family matter. Now things have come to a head, and you're the only one who can convince a relative to change their ways. People will think you're callous and cold hearted, but they don't understand how manipulative some people can be. An invitation to a party comes as a total surprise. You're more popular than you realise!

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You have the courage of your convictions. When you give your word, you are sure to follow through. This is why a powerful executive wants you on his team. Don't be too quick to accept a job offer. There will be hidden strings attached. Besides, this employer is involved in morally questionable behaviour that rubs you the wrong way. You're better off staying where you are. Mastering a new software program will result in a raise or promotion.

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You need to spend money to make money. Go ahead and upgrade your phone service, buy a new computer or hire someone to design a website. Financial matters are putting a strain on an intimate relationship. You're sick and tired of a business or romantic partner's irresponsible behaviour. It may be wise to have separate discretionary accounts in addition to your joint fund. Any bills you share should come out of the latter, while everything else should be drawn from the former.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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You attract all sorts of favourable attention, thanks to your warmth and generosity. This is a great time to ask for favours, make proposals and exhibit your work to the public. A close friend, romantic partner or workmate may be jealous of all the attention you get. Take pains to express your love and devotion. The two of you make a great pair, but you have a tendency to eclipse the other people in your life. Set aside some quality time together.

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A health professional or counsellor can help you overcome deep seated fears. In the past, you were afraid to admit certain problems. Maybe you were afraid of looking weak. Perhaps you didn't want to betray a lover's confidence. Whatever the situation, you must come clean now. Once you get this matter off your chest, you'll feel much better. A job offer is too good to be true. A quick internet search will reveal some alarming things about your would be employer.

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Working with a large group is both stimulating and challenging. Certain members of the team are incredibly rude, but you can't deny the wisdom of their ideas. By developing a thicker skin, you'll be able to collaborate very well together. Don't take a youngster's claims at face value. This child is just trying to evoke your sympathy. Do a little independent research. Once you learn the truth, you'll see your young friend's teacher in a much more positive light.

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Your drive and energy helps to finish a complicated job in record time. Thanks to your contributions, your boss will make a handsome profit. Take this opportunity to ask for a raise or promotion. A relative may not be very enthusiastic about your recent success. It's probably because he or she resents all the time you spend at the office. Striking a balance between your personal and professional lives is essential to your happiness. You never would have come this far without your loving family.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Don't take anything at face value. If someone presents you with some facts and figures, do some independent research. It will become clear these 'facts' have been massaged to support their claims. Resist the urge to lash out at this deceptive character or your reputation will be compromised. A chilly silence is more effective than an angry outburst. A relative or roommate needs to amend certain household routines. These changes will be beneficial for you, too.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Making an impulsive purchase will have disastrous results. This item may break within the first few tries. Alternatively, it will develop random problems that can't be repaired. Keep your money safe in the bank, no matter how tempting a sale or one time offer. Taking a last minute trip for pleasure is strongly advised. If you're single, you will meet someone special on this journey. Sparks will fly between you and a compassionate rebel involved in social causes.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You need to put plenty of energy into a close relationship if you're going to get anything out of it. If someone at work or a romantic partner seems distant, it's because you've been wrapped up in your own problems. Turn your focus outward. The minute you stop obsessing over your troubles, they will start to subside. Someone may misinterpret your instructions. This isn't their fault; they may not have the know-how to do what you want.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Stepping up your fitness regime yields impressive results. Cutting out sugar, fat and alcohol will be difficult at first. By avoiding them for a full week you'll notice an immediate improvement in your looks. You'll also feel much more energetic. You're worried about a relative or neighbour. Avoid offering unsolicited advice. Passing judgment on your loved one will only cause them to cling more stubbornly to a stupid plan. Be a sympathetic listener instead. It will make all the difference.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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