
A workmate who is pessimistic most of the time will be anxious about a new situation. For once you will agree there is cause for concern. Even so, you will do your best to remain calm so as not to panic them. A mature approach to this dilemma will be enough to put your day back on track.

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You would like to make as much progress as possible with a challenging task. Aim to make an early start. Avoid anyone who is talkative or who may be too demanding. Turn away additional responsibility. You need to complete what has already been started before taking on anything else.

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It is not a responsibility you will relish but you may have to make a difficult decision for a close friend or loved one. If someone has met a situation they can't handle on their own and they've turned to you for assistance, you will feel obliged to do all you can to help them.

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A fear of rejection causes you to avoid an emotional situation entirely when your head is telling you that the best thing you can do is talk it through. If a housemate or relative opposes your ideas, you might be tempted to retreat emotionally but instead show a willingness to discuss the matter calmly.

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A lecture, seminar or workshop will be stimulating. Ideas for future projects will fill your mind. Give yourself time and space to listen and absorb all that is going on and this will increase the positive impact of this experience. Regardless of your educational level, there is always scope to learn more.

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A relative is about to make some big changes. You feel they should take more time to think this through but you also know it would upset them if you do comment or criticise. Since you aren't the only one to feel this way, a family discussion will save you having to voice your views.

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Libra is a sign of balance and normally you would do anything for the sake of harmony. Occasionally there is an exception such as today when you feel so strongly about a matter that even if your views oppose someone else's, it is important for you to speak your mind.

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Don't hold back from expressing your wildest ideas if a partner asks you to share your dreams. Problems could occur if feelings are repressed. It might seem as if someone you work with is deliberately misunderstanding what you are saying when you feel you are being absolutely clear about your intentions.

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Anxiety rears its head today. Worrisome waves of thought wash over you especially if you are trying to resolve a financial issue. Whatever you are doing, something happens or someone will make comments that make things a little awkward. Your ex could be involved in some way.

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Wherever and whenever possible, try to see things through other people's eyes. This will help prevent misunderstandings. Equally it would be good if others showed you the same kind of consideration. Just because you aren't able to justify your current goals, it does not mean they should be dismissed completely.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Some people will always take your kind and generous nature for granted. They value your friendship because of what you can do for them and when you add up all that you have given recently, you might be sensible and ask yourself: is it not time to do something for yourself?

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When you come up against someone who seems out to make trouble, rather than retaliating and getting into a nasty row, turn around and walk away. It can be hard to believe how confrontational, awkward and aggressive some people can be. It will be fun to do something spontaneous this evening.

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