
Moving in a new direction will put welcome distance between you and any recent disappointments. You might decide to go on a course or add to your qualifications, take up a new sport or launch a research project. Any endeavour involving intellectual stimulation is recommended. Changing gears will bolster your confidence. Don't get romantically involved with a nearby neighbour or colleague. If things don't work out, it will cause you more hassles than you know in times to come.

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Friends are clouding your thinking. Just because they maintain a certain lifestyle doesn't mean you should share it. You may decide to live without a smartphone or turn off the computer at a certain time each day. Maybe you'll decide to rely on public transportation instead of owning a car. It's possible you will remain childless. There's more to life than following a conventional pattern. Decide what is best for you. Stay away from glossy magazines that create false expectations.

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You're not sure where you stand professionally. One minute your boss hates everything you do, the next you are declared the most valuable member of the team. It's time to put an end to this confusing dynamic. Schedule a meeting to discuss this matter. Explain how this hot and cold dynamic affects your performance. Suggest ways for establishing a healthier relationship. If the two of you reach an impasse, you might want to find another job. You deserve to be treated with respect.

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Steer clear of pontificating gurus who say they have all the answers. You must formulate your own philosophy of life. Anyone who says happiness can be attained by carrying out a set number of steps is lying. Trust your intuition about a legal agreement. If you feel like you're being cheated, you probably are. Hold out for a better arrangement. Be willing to go through a document point by point. A little tenacity will pay off handsomely. You're not a pushover.

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Don't discuss the details of your private life at work. You don't want embarrassing details to compromise your professional reputation. Beware of sending personal emails and photographs from the office. Such materials could easily fall into the wrong hands. Disagreements over finances are putting strain on an intimate relationship. Until you learn to discuss money in a constructive manner, the two of you won't be able to move forward. Find a compromise between spending and saving.

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You can't take an intimate relationship for granted. Work is very demanding but it must be kept in perspective. Tell your boss you can't spend all your time at the office. This could result in some wrangling, but you'll emerge victorious. You can't be effective in your job if you are miserable at home. Are you single? Stop channelling all your energy into your professional life. Make more time for the hobbies you enjoy. This will put you in the path of romance.

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Be realistic about your health. If you don't feel well, you should be more mindful about your diet. Avoid food that makes you bloated or exhausted. Enjoying an occasional treat is fine, but it's important to treat your body like a machine. You must give it the best fuel for optimal performance. Resist the urge to go on a fad diet. They always backfire. You're better off taking a sensible approach to food. Preparing meals ahead of time will keep temptation at bay.

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Just because a creative project isn't what you envisioned doesn't mean you should abandon it. Put it aside temporarily. Getting a little distance from this work is critical. When you return to it, you'll have a whole new perspective. In the meantime, avoid getting romantically involved with a colleague. It's better to keep your personal and professional lives separate. If you can't resist, one of you should find a position elsewhere. It isn't good to be thoroughly entangled. Get a little distance.

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Be clear about what you want from a relationship. If you're not sure, sneak away to a secluded spot where you can hear yourself think. Just because your family was structured a certain way doesn't mean you have to follow the pattern. Find a dynamic that works for you and your partner. Are you single? It may be because you have unrealistic expectations of romance. Instead of looking for someone who fits an arbitrary standard, keep an open mind.

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Don't exaggerate a story or people will question your credibility. A colleague has been undermining your productivity with toxic behaviour. If you're filing a complaint, stick to the facts. Don't let emotion enter into the account. The more accurate your description, the easier it will be to solve the problem. It is possible this worker will be dismissed as a result of what they've done. Don't feel guilty. Some people need to be made to feel responsible for their words and deeds.

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You must take a more realistic approach to money. Assuming it will always be there will lead to disaster. Put a portion of your income into an emergency fund each pay period. An ounce of protection will keep you out of danger. If no compelling expense arises, you can always use the fund for a holiday or deposit. A romantic partnership could suffer from financial strain. Don't insist on expensive amusements all the time. You can still get lots of pleasure from staying home.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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It's difficult to sort out your feelings. You're not sure if a dream is worth pursuing. The thought of putting yourself on the line for an unattainable goal makes you nervous. Instead of giving up, push yourself forward. If you fall short of your mission, you'll at least have the satisfaction of trying. Getting into the habit of following your instincts will fill the void that has been opened inside you. Leave fantasyland for real life. You won't be sorry.

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