
It will be difficult to get the training you require to move ahead. Try not to dwell on your misfortune. Turn your attention to other pursuits that give you pleasure. Learning a foreign language, mastering a musical instrument and developing a new enterprising project are all worthwhile ventures. The fastest way to turn your luck around is to stay busy. Being fully engaged with life will open doors for you. These opportunities may be unexpected, but they could also be incredibly rewarding.

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Don't let a financial loss get you down. You've always associated money with security. Expanding your view of what is precious will be helpful. Not only do you have material possessions, but you also have many valuable relationships. As long as you have loyal friends, you'll always be secure. Spending more time with loved ones will make you less driven. That's a good thing. It's critical for a sensual person like you to slow down and smell the flowers. There's more to life than money.

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Being the subject of bad publicity is difficult. You want to defend yourself, but it doesn't seem like the public is listening. The best way to redeem your reputation is through actions, not words. Take every opportunity to demonstrate your work ethic. Be honest in all your dealings. Accept small jobs that are beneath your abilities. Sooner or later, people will realise they misjudged you. Meanwhile, you will have strengthened your character and developed your resolve. This is only a test.

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If you don't feel well, take some time out. Pushing yourself will complicate a minor problem. When your body rebels, it is telling you to slow down. Obey this message and get some sleep. Put off chores for another day. Let a friend run errands. Hire a babysitter. Do whatever you can to conserve your energy. Don't worry how your colleagues will fare without you. Maybe it's time they realise just how much work you perform. Absence will make their hearts grow fonder.

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Don't neglect responsibilities towards those who rely on you. Taking care of a child, pet or plant is critical to your own personal growth. You have a tendency to be self involved. Putting your focus on someone or something else is therapeutic. If you hear about someone who is ill, make them a pot of soup or loaf of bread. Are you tired and anxious? Spend some quality time with a four legged friend. Has life become unbearably hectic? Stop everything and work on an art project with a child.

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Family responsibilities are wearing on your last nerve. It's important to get out of the house, if only to take some breaths of fresh air. Going for a walk through the park will remind you to take better care of yourself. If you have to hire someone to occasionally attend to an elderly relative or young child, so be it. You shouldn't have to shoulder this burden all by yourself. A government program created for people in your situation could be helpful.

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Be prepared to receive some harsh criticisms. At times like these, it's hard to separate truth from fiction. Remain calm and stay objective. You can improve but you're a lot more talented than a critic pretends. Your greatest challenge is to maintain focus. When things go wrong, don't throw in the towel. Work to find solutions to your dilemma. Ask talented people in your organisation for help. Be willing to share the credit for your accomplishments with others.

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Money is tight, which is frustrating. You're tired of struggling to make ends meet while everybody else is living high on the hog. Appearances can be deceptive. These days, many people who have lots of creature comforts are living on credit. They're so deep in debt that it's scary. Take this opportunity to improve your financial situation. Expand your skill set. Look for a better paid job. Stop telling yourself things are always destined to be this way. Push yourself harder and dream bigger.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Lack of confidence is inhibiting you from taking chances. It's important to take some risks, even if it means getting rejected from time to time. If someone has broken your heart, don't fall victim to despair. Start courting yourself. Splash out on some new clothes or treat yourself to a holiday. Spend more time on your favourite sports and hobbies. Eventually, your sense of humour will return and you'll start rolling the dice again. You're not the type who is well suited to a cautious life.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Try not to fall victim to self pity. You have the potential to overcome a health problem, but it will require some sacrifices. Eating a healthy diet and taking regular exercise are time consuming. It takes thirty days to establish a habit. Once you clear that hurdle, these behaviours will become second nature. Until then, you will be prey to temptation. Be strong and don't fall back on your old ways. Slowly but surely, you'll feel better. Aches and pains ease and your energy builds.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Someone will try to befriend you for ulterior motives. Be wary if this manipulator asks for money or wants to borrow some valuables. You work too hard to throw such resources down the drain. There's no reason you should feel guilty about being financially secure. Certain people make a career of leeching off others. Steer clear of these vampires. Fortunately, you have a loyal circle of friends who can alert you to hucksters. Trust their judgement and listen to their advice.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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If you're looking for work, take heart. There are positive aspects to your situation. When you're not filling out applications or going on job interviews, fill your time with things that make you feel good. Working on creative projects, volunteering at a charitable organisation and communing with nature are all ways to keep your spirits up. There's more to you than a job title. Explore the aspects of your personality that have nothing to do with work. These traits should be protected and developed.

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