
You will have strong emotional responses to difficult situations. If you're fed up with an outmoded institution, try to change it. The sheer force of your personality will impress a powerful person at the top. By offering some helpful suggestions on how to improve their organisation, you could see some impressive progress. Don't let your guard down with a rival who is always trying to outperform you. If this pest asks about your plans, respond with a secretive smile.

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You should let down your defences with someone who has proven their loyalty. Together, you can embark on a happy future. You share a love of creature comforts. Therefore, it's important for you both to continually contribute to a savings account. Having a nest egg will allow you to live or work where you want. When you feel overwhelmed, resist the urge to withdraw from your partner. Instead, open up and discuss your feelings. You'll feel much better.

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It's hard to understand a colleague who makes mountains out of molehills. It's always been easy for you to laugh off problems. That's not the case for this fellow worker. Resist the temptation to make fun of this tendency. Offer a sympathetic ear instead. Sometimes just acknowledging another person's problems can ease their pain. Try spreading positive energy wherever you go. Work is so much more pleasant when everyone is relaxed, happy and cooperative.

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Trust your intuition. Arrange a special outing if you sense a child or romantic partner is feeling a little fed up or frustrated. Spending quality time together will boost their confidence. You may not realise it, but your approval means a lot to this loved one. Devoting time and energy to this relationship will pay off handsomely. It may seem like your friend is overreacting to problems, but don't say this. People react differently to stress. If people get angry it's because they feel impotent.

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Dealing with a cautious person may be beneficial. You have a tendency to look before you leap. Working with someone who prefers to explore all the angles will be good. You might find merchandise that's less expensive or a product that is better suited to your needs. Let your partner ask questions and express scepticism. Their attitude will cause sales people and officials to offer more alternatives. Spending an evening at home will give you a chance to recharge your emotional batteries.

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You're good at developing creative solutions to difficult problems. If you're not happy with an expert's assessment of a problem, do your own research. You will come across valuable information that allows you to solve an ongoing dilemma. As a result, you can earn fame by writing a 'How To' book or shooting an explanatory video. Don't keep this brilliant idea to yourself. You get great satisfaction from making other people's lives easier. Don't be surprised when you start receiving fan mail.

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You're resourceful about finding new sources of income. Being able to turn a hobby into a lucrative business will be a labour of love. People are willing to pay good money for your creative work. You'll be able to sell your handicrafts at a local boutique or online store. Working with recycled materials will be financially rewarding. Spinning straw into gold is one of your specialties. This could be your big chance to escape the rat race and work for yourself.

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Have an honest talk with someone who has been causing problems in your community. For a long time, people have been avoiding conflict with this troublemaker. Fortunately, you're not afraid to confront someone who has been creating fear and misery for others. After talking with you, this pest won't dare to step out of line. Your bravery will attract lots of romantic admirers. If you're single, you could meet someone special who isn't intimidated by your powerful charisma.

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Working behind the scenes will be rewarding and profitable. People are grateful for your ability to translate complex subjects into manageable steps. Passing on tips and techniques or making 'How To' Youtube videos are good ways for you to make additional income. Spiritual pursuits can promote health and well being. Do whatever it takes to connect with your higher power. Praying, communing with nature or reading inspiring books will keep stress at bay.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You should surround yourself with dynamic, aggressive people. Their ambition will fuel your own. Lately, you've been lulled into a sense of complacency. This is preventing you from fulfilling your potential. If one of your friends tells you of an exciting career opportunity, pursue it. Have them write you a letter of recommendation. This reference could pave the way for a successful job. It's time to put your leadership ability to work. The secret to your success is extensive preparation.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Taking charge of an important project will be gratifying. Don't tolerate insubordination. In this case, it's better to be respected than loved. Be prepared to punish people who won't do their fair share. When everyone realises you mean business, they'll fall in line. People will be impressed by the results of your labour. Don't be surprised when you get a raise, promotion or award for all of your hard work and sacrifice. You might be asked to train a newcomer.

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Expanding your horizons will be enjoyable. Let a friend who was raised in a different country introduce you to their homeland's cuisine, art and culture. You might be inspired to travel to their native country. Exploring a place known for its natural beauty could cause you to make changes to your own life. Planting flowers or keeping a fresh bouquet on your desk will uplift and inspire you. It will be easier to develop creative ideas and exercise your imagination when you're surrounded by beauty.

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