
Pressure is starting to ease and issues you had been worried about aren't a problem any more. Now that you feel less stressed, you might take this chance to view things from a different perspective. You might realise you handled some difficult situations very efficiently.

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You're ready for a change. Think about enrolling in a course of study or book into a workshop that encourages you to try out new ideas. Exciting things are in store. This is your chance to make better use of your skills and creative potential.

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A colleague does not know all they pretend to. If you follow their advice, it could get you into trouble. It's unlikely they will admit to the mistake and therefore if you disagree with someone's guidance, get a second opinion.

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You should ask for time to think about an interesting offer. If for instance it involves you taking on more responsibilities or having to pay out money upfront, you may not want to commit yourself until you find out more about it.

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You will be expected to attend an official meeting. Either you will be asked to take charge of arrangements at a moment's notice or your boss will demand that you rejuggle your schedule in order to attend. Even if this is an inconvenience, you seem to have no choice about it.

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A kind-hearted friend is making promises they can't possibly keep. You know their words are out of the kindness of their heart but you just can't take them up on an offer, knowing that it isn't ever likely to happen.

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Find out your rights if you disagree with the increasing charges of some services. If you're coming to the end of a contract, now is a good time to look for something similar elsewhere. You're tempted to ask someone else to do a job for you. If you do, don't complain when they get all the credit.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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It might go against a senior colleague's wishes but you cannot stand back and watch a workmate struggle. The situation seems unfair to you and you might be able to help them out in a way that ensures no one else finds out about it.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You've never felt comfortable with people who try to control you. A possessive friend or partner's demands makes you uncomfortable. You're afraid of losing your identity if you keep giving in to them. You just can't keep going along with their demands without the acknowledgement that your needs are important too.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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This is a great time to entertain visitors from afar. Make use of your skills to add decorative touches to your home and give careful thought to the comfort of your guests. Are you single? Don't be discouraged if someone you meet plays hard to get. They actually like you a lot and by the end of the month you will be a couple.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Activities and discussions within a local group, all of whom are working towards the same goal, will be mind-expanding. You will be mixing with some creative and unconventional people. As well as this being a lot of fun, you are getting to see the world from a new perspective.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Whether it is because you're trying to avoid a workmate who is being awkward and argumentative or you're keen to show interest in a new family project is immaterial. What's important is that you are enjoying family activities and you will want to remain close to home.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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