
The song and dance procedure of how a leader is going to be voted in again is more for show. There will be some who object to the way the leadership position is decided on but this will not change the outcome. Someone will question your experience or qualifications.

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Technology is such a big part of our lives, it is often taken for granted. But when things go wrong they go wrong very quickly. Issues will not be easily resolved and this will be irritating and frustrating both for business and customers. Whichever side you find yourself on, you are just going to have to get on with it.

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You want to be involved in everything that's going on but this will distract you from your main aims. A little of everything is nothing when you look at the bigger picture. You are spreading your energy too thinly . If you are going to achieve anything, you need to take a more organised approach to your goals.

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An older relative or senior colleague seems to be doing their best to undermine your confidence. Turn a deaf ear to their criticism and refuse to let them intimidate you. People who respect your skills will give you support when you need it. Are you single? You could find love with someone you have known for years.

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A senior colleague needs to see you are serious in your desire to take on a more responsible role. That's why they are taking more interest than usual in your performance. A dream can be turned into reality but you will need to be prepared to put in the work.

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A workplace argument is causing you some anxiety. Put some space between you and a disagreeable colleague. Even though you are keeping yourself well away from busy environments, you are not wasting any time you get to yourself. You want to spend a while reflecting, planning and searching for answers.

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Persevering with a course of study until you get to the end is important. If you are to get the qualifications you need to progress, you need to stick this out to the end. You're tempted to give up when the going gets tough but this will get you nowhere.

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Someone will disagree with you on a social networking site. Speaking your mind will lead to a big argument. You might feel as if their reactions are causing a lot of unnecessary conflict and drama. You are not trying to cause offence even though this will be what you are being accused of.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Life is getting busier than normal. Despite the busy scene around you, you will be handling most things that crop up with ease. In fact, you will enjoy the challenge. A travel invitation will be a welcome chance to meet up with people you haven't seen in a while

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You're starting to understand yourself better through helping someone close through a difficult time. It will be as if they are holding a mirror up to your own personal situation. Try walking, cycling or jogging to improve your health.

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You know all about fighting for the common good and nothing gives you more pleasure than supporting a good cause. Even so, you aren't easily fooled and if you feel suspicious about an organisation that approaches you for money, look into their history before making a decision.

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You're struggling to blast through a creative block. No matter how hard you try, you can't come up with ideas needed to continue with your work. You need to spend some time away. A change of scenery or a different kind of occupation might also stimulate your tired mind.

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