
You're dealing with a lot of professional pressure. Taking an extended break will be therapeutic. Head for a place near the water. The sight of a lake, river or ocean will soothe your restless energy. If your employer forbids you from going away, this is a sign to look for a less demanding position. You fare best when your private and public lives are balanced. Being forced to give your heart and soul to work is a losing proposition.

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Friends will give you the moral support to make a big change. You lack the formal training to advance in your desired field. Take this opportunity to earn a degree, certificate or license. It will take time to reach your goal, which is why it's so important to get started. At times, you'll wonder if you have the strength to cross the finish line. When your energy starts to flag, reach out to your nearest and dearest. They'll restore your enthusiasm.

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Your professional life is rewarding, prompting you to pour lots of energy into your job. This can have a negative impact on your personal life. If you're in a relationship, make a point of spending quality time with your amour. Things may be awkward at first, especially if you've fallen out of touch with each other. Persist in efforts to reconnect. Slowly but surely, the ice will melt and you'll remember why you were first drawn together. Are you single? Venture out to a few parties.

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Going on a faraway trip will make you feel strong, confident and healthy. Don't feel compelled to go away with someone who seems intent on dragging you down. It's possible your romantic partner has become angry and resentful of you. By getting some temporary distance from this tormentor, you'll be able to sort out confusing emotions. There's no reason you should stay with someone who treats you disrespectfully. Finish what no longer works and move on; you won't be sorry.

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An intimate relationship gives you the courage to make a big change. If you haven't been happy with your lifestyle, it's time to undergo a dramatic transformation. Don't be afraid to leave a job that no longer works for you or break a bad habit that undermines your joy. With the help of your partner, you'll be able to put this situation behind you. Together, you can forge a new path that makes you feel years younger. The ability to change rests with you.

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A good friend or romantic partner will hear of a job opportunity that seems tailor made for you. Follow up on this lead, as it could take you to heights you never dreamed possible. Lately, you've felt like you haven't had time to breathe. That will change when you accept a position at a company that treats its staff respectfully. Being able to leave the office at a decent hour will be a welcome change. Be upfront about your expectations; put your superior communication skills to work.

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Your health is improving, much to your relief. Part of the reason you are feeling so much better is that your financial situation has improved. Instead of staying awake at night and worrying about bills, you'll be able to drift into a peaceful slumber. A jealous relative who wants to drag you down to their level will try to undermine your happiness. Stay as far away from this pest as possible. Let their calls go to voicemail and review them when you're calm, cool and collected.

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A romantic relationship makes you more adventurous. Don't be surprised when you find yourself booking an exotic trip after having a flirtatious conversation. A critical relative or neighbour may tease you about these plans; simply ignore them. Such comments are being made from pure jealousy. If you already have a partner, choose a destination that appeals to your amour. You'll both have a wonderful time exploring an ancient city, spiritual mecca or magical landscape together. Are you single? You'll meet someone special at a seaside location.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Home is a welcome haven from the stress of public life. When you are strapped for cash, it helps to remember what is truly precious: Friends and family. Spending more time with your nearest and dearest will boost your self-esteem, making it easier to pursue moneymaking opportunities. If you're struggling with a romantic partner who isn't satisfied with your earning ability, it may be better to move on to greener pastures. Hold out for someone who loves you, not your bank account.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're getting positive feedback for your contributions. Remember these compliments whenever you're consumed by self-doubt. Everybody knows you are a talented, capable person who is capable of tremendous achievement. It's time to adopt this view of yourself. Every time you catch your inner critic speaking up, change your thoughts. Recite some positive affirmations in the mirror. Give yourself a reward for your hard work. Take a luxurious holiday. Treat yourself the way you would a cherished romantic partner. Fall in love with yourself.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Despite misgivings, you're doing very well financially. It's difficult to work behind the scenes when someone else gets all the credit for your work. Rather than envying the spotlight, revel in your privacy. Being able to work at your own pace without supervision makes your creativity soar. Wonderful ideas for products and services will arrive when you least expect them. While you're busy turning these dreams into reality, your employer must withstand the scrutiny and criticism that comes with a public role. Be grateful for your position.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You make life seem magical. When people are in your company, they feel like anything is possible. Your popularity makes certain friends jealous. They think you are the recipient of dumb luck. Nothing could be further from the truth. You cultivate your own good fortune, simply by generating positive energy. While your detractors are brooding over setbacks and disappointments, you're busy giving thanks for the many blessings you enjoy. This attitude of gratitude makes you a magnet for money, love, wonderful jobs and travel opportunities.

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