
Keeping busy makes you happy. If there's anything you hate, it's sitting around and twiddling your thumbs. Is your own schedule free? Offer to help an overwhelmed colleague. Relieving their workload will give you a sense of accomplishment. It will also establish you as a team player. Your fellow workers will appreciate your helpful attitude and your boss will be impressed too. Are you unemployed? You'll be offered a steady job that offers lots of intellectual stimulation.

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A romantic interlude is just what the doctor ordered. It feels wonderful to abandon yourself to pleasure. Are you single? You could find someone interesting if you join a club, society or volunteer organisation. Introduce yourself to the most intelligent member of the group. You'll feel an instant connection. Both of you have an appreciation for finely crafted works of art made from beautiful materials. Making furniture, clothing or jewellery together will be fun. It feels great to spend time with someone who makes your imagination soar.

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Domestic activities give you lots of pleasure. It's a great time to stock the pantry, clear out clutter and add decorative touches. Once you finish the preliminary work, you'll be inspired to entertain. Don't feel pressured to throw the social event of the season. A casual get together will be just as much fun. If the prospect of preparing a lot of refreshments sends you into a tailspin, ask everybody to bring a favourite dish. This will significantly cut down on your workload.

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Learning a language or studying a musical instrument will be stimulating. Being able to fully focus on a challenge will be therapeutic. When your mind isn't engaged, you tend to worry. Pointless fears vanish into thin air when you're exercising your intellect. Don't be surprised if you're suddenly inspired to change jobs. Carrying out the same routine isn't satisfying when your brain gets constant exercise. Explore opportunities related to teaching, writing and research. You have a strong affinity for the classroom.

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Pour your energy into activities you enjoy. You're tired of performing work out of guilt. Delegate unwanted chores to relatives, colleagues and housemates. There's no reason you should continue performing these jobs. After you pass the torch, you'll be able to return to a favourite sport or creative pursuit. You'll assume an attractive glow that is impossible to ignore. People will ask if you're in love. If you're single, you won't be on the matrimony market for long. An admirer could be about to sweep you off your feet.

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You radiate happiness. People are drawn to you like a magnet. If you're looking for love, you'll have your choice of several admirers. Stay away from a troubled character who wants to be rescued. You should align yourself with an accomplished person who raises the level of your own game. Do you have a partner? Let your amour spoil you with expensive gifts and lavish displays of affection. You're wonderful. Let people treat you accordingly. It will bolster your confidence.

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Solitary pursuits help you recover from a setback. Instead of putting on a happy face, sit quietly with your grief. Allow yourself to feel sad. Pour your feelings into a creative project. At first, it will be hard to focus on your work. Allow yourself to through the motions. Soon, you'll become so engrossed in your labours that your anxiety will become a distant memory. Set boundaries with a nosy friend who keeps trying to invade your privacy. Learning to enjoy solitude will be empowering.

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Spending time with friends brings out the best in you. When left to your own devices, you have a tendency to brood. That's why it's important to surround yourself with upbeat people who make you laugh at your own quirks. Taking yourself too seriously is a terrible mistake. It's difficult to overcome setbacks when you put so much pressure on yourself. The next time you make a mistake, call a friend with a silly sense of humour. Their irreverent jokes will help you lighten up.

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Positive things are happening on the career front. You have a chance to preside over an intelligent group of people. They'll respond well to your loose management style. If you encounter someone who needs more structure, offer a detailed guide of your expectations. This will help them focus on what is important. Everybody has different work styles. Learning to adapt to different methods will make you a respected and powerful leader. You don't enjoy ordering people around, but you do like cultivating team spirit.

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You feel optimistic about the future and with good reason. Opportunities to travel, write and study are beckoning. You're ready to expand your horizons. Breaking out of a rut will be liberating. Although you enjoy a comforting routine, any regime will start to feel like a prison after a prolonged period. Fortunately, you'll be working alongside an experienced person who is happy to show you the ropes. Being vulnerable to someone else will improve your relationship skills. Everything is coming up roses.

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A passionate relationship helps get you out of your head. As a general rule, you take a logical approach to life. Powerful emotions make you uncomfortable. The more you spend time with your amour, the easier it will be for you to cope with feelings. Love, tenderness and jealousy will break down your defences. Instead of pushing away offers of help, you'll become more receptive to it. All your relationships will improve as a result. Stop being afraid of people. Some of them are as entertaining as crossword puzzles.

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Working with a partner will be humbling. You tend to operate on instinct. This spontaneous approach is great for generating creative ideas, but it's not particularly practical. Pay careful attention to how your colleagues prepare for work. Gathering supplies, making lists and collecting contact information at the outset will seem like a waste of valuable time at first. After you've spent some time together, you'll see the benefit of all this preparation. Being organised isn't boring; it's professional. Give your ally the respect they deserve.

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