
Instead of making a song and dance about your accomplishments, let your work speak for itself. It's obvious you have unique abilities. When people see the fruits of your labour, you'll attract a loyal following. Rivals will have to spend lots of money promoting their business, but you'll get most of your customers through word of mouth. If you've been thinking about expanding into new territory, put these plans on hold. Focus on doing what you do best right now.

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You must be tactful when dealing with problems at work. Badmouthing a colleague will come back to haunt you. Even if you dislike a fellow worker, it's important to try to compromise. It may be necessary to adjust some of your methods to accommodate their needs. This isn't a sign of weakness. It's proof you are a team player. The more cooperative you are, the higher your star will rise. Always keep the big picture in mind. Being positive paves the way to a promotion.

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If a youngster wants something, resist the temptation to get it for them. Instead, devise a way where you can work together to accomplish this goal. Putting up half the money for a bicycle, training or educational course or membership will be a valuable lesson. Not only will it demonstrate support for their dreams, it will teach self-reliance. It's so tempting to make tremendous sacrifices for those you love. Doing all the work yourself robs them of a sense of well-earned success and accomplishment.

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There are more important things than fulfilling your parents' expectations. Rather than trying to please others, you should seek to satisfy yourself. This could involve anything from venturing down an unusual career path to relocating to another area, to adopting a different spiritual path. If you're obeying your heart's desire, you'll cultivate happiness. It's better to disappoint others than let yourself down. Any relatives who try making you feel guilty for certain choices should be kept at a distance. You don't have time for such negativity.

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If you're going to offer an opinion, you should gather as much reliable information as possible. Speaking from the heart is fine, but you'll gain more respect by referencing reliable sources. Taking an advanced course to fill the gaps to your knowledge will be expensive. It would be wise to apply for a grant or scholarship. An educational, religious or cultural institution could foot the bill for you. Prepare to fill out some lengthy applications. Your diligence will pay off.

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Instead of continually doing favours for people, start charging for your services. Some people will take offense at your demand for money. They're used to getting something for nothing. Until you hold your contributions in high esteem, others will continue to undervalue you. When you do perform acts of service, it should be out of a sense of desire. Feeling obligated to serve others is robbing you of energy and self-esteem. Limit your charitable activity to a few causes that truly speak to your heart.

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When you feel jealous of others, take a few deep breaths. Envy drives opportunity from your door. You'll attract the abundance you desire by maintaining an attitude of gratitude. Just because someone else is prosperous does not mean you cannot enjoy similar riches. The Universe is endlessly generous. By showing faith in its bounty, you'll reap impressive rewards. Get into the habit of making a list of five things for which you are grateful. Do this each morning for a month.

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Although you currently perform some thankless jobs, this won't always be the case. Instead of cursing your situation, make the most of it. When you're not in the public eye, it's easy to adopt an experimental approach. Trying different ways of performing tasks will make your job much more interesting. It will also help you hit upon a method that is fast, efficient and profitable. Others will notice your increased productivity and reward you for it. Are you unemployed?

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Don't ever neglect your friends. If you're enjoying the company of an attentive romantic partner, don't let these meetings dominate your schedule. Make time for the people who have been with you through good times and bad. Attending a birthday party or graduation ceremony will mean more than you realise. Instead of acting like you're attached at the hip to your amour, start venturing out alone. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. It also helps you maintain a feeling of independence.

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Taking on and keeping a high-profile position makes great demands on your time. It may not be possible to attend an important family reunion. Avoid making inflated promises at all costs. It's better to be honest than inflate everyone's hopes. If you're tired of pouring all your energy into career matters, make a change. Launching a business from home will improve family relationships. It will also give you a chance to slow down and smell the flowers.

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Learn as much as you can about a subject. Put your assumptions aside and listen attentively to your teacher. Although they may be unconventional, they have lots of important information to share. By showing respect for their expertise, they'll do everything in their power to help you achieve excellence. It will be necessary to put your social life on hold for the sake of coursework. Give yourself ample time to write carefully researched papers and study for exams. There will be plenty of chances to party later.

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You don't put much emphasis on material goods. The things that you value most have little monetary value. Strong friendships, engrossing creative pursuits and sensual pleasures make life meaningful. That's why you're a lot more content than wealthier friends, colleagues and neighbours. Outsiders often shake their heads and make fun of your dreamy ways. If they took a page from your book, they'd be much happier. Continue to follow your intuition. It is cultivating happiness that is more precious than gold.

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