
Your energy and enthusiasm prompt you to venture into new territory. Expanding your client base or doing business with foreigners will be good for your career. It will also help you travel to exotic lands. If you're a student, think carefully about your course load. Balance practical subjects with a few fanciful ones. Taking a philosophy course will be marvellously inspiring. There's more to life than just making money. You need to find your spiritual place in the Universe, too.

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You're determined to make the most of what you have. You're smart enough to realise that dwelling on what you lack just makes you miserable. Therefore, you shop for bargains and share your bounty with family and friends. You repair broken objects and restore old things to their original beauty. You borrow electronics from neighbours and lend yours out when they are needed. In the process, you'll build strong relationships that are far more precious than money.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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A close relationship churns up deep feelings for you. Although you haven't known a newcomer for long, it feels as if you've been linked for ages. There's something so familiar about the way your friend walks, talks, and laugh. No wonder you feel so comfortable when they are around. If you've fallen in love, you need to tread carefully. Jumping too quickly into a passionate romance will put it in danger. Resist the urge to join households and bank accounts; take time to get to know each other.

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Someone will try to push you into a decision, but you're in no hurry to change things. In fact, the more you are pressured, the harder you will dig in your heels. You're determined to do the right thing for the greatest amount of people. That means making price comparisons before buying expensive equipment. If you're presented with a contract, have a legal professional go over it with a fine toothed comb. Remove any conditions that work against your interests; you're in the driving seat.

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Duty is more important than pleasure today. Usually, you're quick to satisfy your urges. Right now you are intent on running errands so your household can run more smoothly. Enlist the aid of family members and roommates if the job is too big for one person. If you're on your own, you should seriously consider hiring a cleaning service. Although the cost will be significant, at least you will be spared the agony of messy jobs, which are not really your forte.

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Glamorous hotspots have no appeal for you. You'd rather stay in with your nearest and dearest, eating home cooked meals and exchanging stories around the table. Fortunately, your loved ones have come to see your place as a comfortable gathering spot. They've gotten into the habit of stopping by whenever they need a spot of company. This appeals to your nurturing side. Instead of worrying about keeping the place spotless, focus on having the refrigerator stocked with snacks and drinks.

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A strong desire for intellectual stimulation prompts you to rearrange your domestic routine. You need to make more time for reading, writing, listening to music, and watching movies. If you continue to focus on family responsibility, you'll lose the sexy spark that makes you so desirable. Anyone who is ruled by the planet Venus needs steady doses of art to be happy. If others think you're being frivolous, it's just because they don't know you well. True friends understand your needs.

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Lack of pretension makes you a popular figure. People love talking to you, because they don't feel judged for knowing less than they should about certain subjects. As a result, you could be offered a teaching job. Sharing the fundamentals with eager students gives your self esteem a much needed boost. In the past, employers denigrated your talents because they felt threatened by them. This time around, you'll be rewarded for your gifts. What a difference a few years make!

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A leadership position will be handed to you, thanks to your calm approach to pressing problems. You don't shy away from controversy, either. If arguments erupt between two members of the team, you'll intercede and hammer out a compromise. The strange thing is that people don't resent your authority. In fact, they welcome it. Maybe it's because they sense you aren't on a power trip. Your priority is to achieve successful results. Making a name for yourself doesn't really enter the picture.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Don't underestimate yourself today. Generally, you are brimming with confidence as far as public events are concerned. Right now you're afraid you won't make a good impression. Maybe you're being asked to appear before creative types. And while you have a deep appreciation for music, craftsmanship, and painting, you're not very comfortable in this world. Instead of pretending to be an authority, present yourself as an enthusiast. This will help you make some exciting new friends.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're the last person who wants to control your surroundings. As far as you're concerned, it's much more fun when things unfold naturally. If you have a set of plans and a friend proposes a better alternative, you'll go with their suggestion. No wonder why you're so popular! If you're arranging a birthday party, ask the guest of honour for suggestions on where and how they'd like to celebrate. Their ideas may differ from yours, but that's what will make for an interesting party.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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At times, people have said your idealism has got in the way of your career. What they don't realise is that your exalted principles will be the secret to your ultimate success. Instead of taking a job for money, you'll spiritually fulfilling find work. This may mean earning a paltry salary in the beginning stages, but you will quickly find situations with better pay. It's all a matter of gaining experience. Anything worthwhile requires a temporary sacrifice.

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