
Jealousy will rear its ugly head in a relationship. Normally, you have no problem trusting loved ones. Recently you've become worried a certain friendship is taking a romantic turn. Instead of voicing your disapproval, turn your attention to an activity that makes life meaningful to you. When you're happy and engaged, your relationships become more relaxed. Suddenly you won't need validation from others.

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Fear has a way of undermining your progress. Stop fretting over what could happen and just take the plunge. If you've always wanted to write a book, get into the habit of writing three pages each day. Don't erase or edit anything until a month goes by. At this stage, you have to let the ideas flow. You can always perfect your work later. You might also be offered a teaching job. Showing students how to tune into their creative side will be empowering for both you and them.

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Pride could get in the way of an important relationship matter. You and a partner have been arguing over money. Deep down inside, you know your friend has valid complaints. You're just afraid of admitting you need help with finances. Stop worrying about losing respect and lay your cards on the table. When it comes to a relationship, each participant has strengths and weaknesses. Although you need guidance with money, you can take the lead in other areas, like communication.

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Resist the urge to cling to your family out of insecurity. Whilst your relatives do love you, they can be overprotective. The only way you're going to progress is if you push yourself into unfamiliar territory. Lately, you've been thinking about pursuing a childhood dream you abandoned some time ago. It's never too late to realise your heart's desire. Fortunately, a powerful colleague or romantic partner is poised to help you push past obstacles. Go ahead and ask for favours when you need them.

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Someone will pressure you to sign a contract or enter into an agreement. Don't do anything you will regret later. You're better off holding out for better terms or another offer. Fortunately, you have a lot of powerful allies who can put you on a smoother path. If you're looking for work, you will find an impressive career opportunity related to luxury goods, gourmet food, or landscaping. Throw your hat in the ring, even if you don't have any previous experience.

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Taking too long to make a choice will backfire; time is of the essence. A rival is eager to swoop in and steal your thunder. Go ahead and apply to college or buy an overseas plane ticket. A change of scenery will help you realise your potential. You never know how strong you are until you put your skills to the test. Doing the same thing day after day is just dulling your senses. The time has come to stimulate that impressive intellect of yours.

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Adopting a 'take it or leave it' attitude won't endear you to friends or enemies. You should be a little softer in your approach. Normally, you're the essence of diplomacy, but this is the exception to the rule. You're tired of compromising your standards for someone who is too scared to take a chance. Unfortunately, you will need their help to get a project off the ground. Leave your ego at the door and make a flattering appeal to their ego.

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You have a tendency to fall for sob stories. A manipulative neighbour or relative will ask for a loan. Be ready to say no, even at the risk of seeming stingy. You work hard for your money, and shouldn't waste it on someone who keeps engaging in irresponsible behaviour. If you feel guilty, ask your best friend, lover, or business partner to back you up. Having someone in your corner makes all the difference. If there's anything a bully hates, it's multiple witnesses.

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Try not to place too much importance on popular opinion. Although you want to arrive at a decision that makes everybody happy, it simply isn't possible. You'll have to act in your own interests. Apply for a job that a friend also wants. Ask an attractive newcomer on a date. Buy up the last of a valuable product. You shouldn't feel guilty for taking advantage of a good offer. Even your worst enemies can't blame you for getting a jump on the competition.

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No matter how hard you try, you won't be recognised for your hard work. Once you face the truth of this situation, a sense of liberation will follow. There's no reason to bend over backwards for a superior if you won't be rewarded. Therefore, you have to make more time for fun. Scale back your hours, schedule a holiday, and plan a few outings. You don't have to justify your behaviour to anyone. It's about time your peers learned just how much work you do!

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Beware of a tendency to bite off more than you can chew. Recently, you've agreed to be on a variety of committees and projects. Although your desire to make a difference is admirable, it's also taking a toll on your health. Cancel a few obligations that have been weighing on your mind. People will be upset when you pull out, but that can't be helped. If you don't conserve your energy, you will suffer exhaustion. Even you need an occasional rest.

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It's hard to find an outlet for your sensual side. Romance seems elusive. Don't worry; it will come back again, but right now, you have to channel your energy in a more productive direction. Writing, studying, and reading will bring you lots of pleasure. You might even want to try your hand at penning a love story. An influential friend could find you an agent or publisher. Never underestimate the importance of good contacts.

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