
You are highly attuned to people's feelings. Showing sensitivity for a stranger's special needs will make a tremendous difference to their morale. So often, individuals feel ignored and overlooked. Having a kind person recognise our humanity is empowering. Do everything in your power to connect with others in small ways, whether it's complimenting someone on their work or thanking them for doing you a small kindness. When you come across a person who can't defend themselves, step forward.

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People are attracted to you like bees to a flower. They eagerly respond to your laid-back attitude towards life. Instead of making mountains out of molehills, you seek to go with the flow. Making others feel comfortable is one of your specialties. That's why you always have refreshments on hand. Being able to care for your guests is your way of connecting with them. They respond with loyalty and love. That's why, whenever you're in trouble, you have an extensive social network on which to rely.

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Making a public presentation will attract fame and acclaim. People love your wit, charm and intelligence. Instead of using the spotlight as an opportunity to feed your ego, you look for ways to entertain your audience. You're smart enough to leave people wanting more than droning on for hours. As a result, you'll get more and more requests to give this speech to others. If you've been yearning for a better job you could land a position that is lucrative and emotionally rewarding.

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Your expert knowledge is valuable. Instead of giving away your services for free, start charging for them. You're tired of dealing with entitled individuals who expect something for nothing. Some people will be offended by your demand, but most will agree to it. Earning money from talking about a subject you love will bolster your confidence. Suddenly, you'll radiate a level of self-assurance that turns heads. Don't be surprised when you start attracting admirers in droves.

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Your star power is very strong. Don't be surprised when you feel an electric attraction to a shy, softly spoken individual. If you're going to embark on a romance together, you will have to make the first move. This gives you pause, as you prefer being the one who is pursued. Instead of letting this wonderful person slip through your fingers, make an overture. You'll be gratified by the enthusiastic response. Are you already in a relationship? Make a personal sacrifice for the sake of your amour.

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A close relationship is gratifying. Your best friend or romantic partner appreciates your hidden talents. They'll encourage you to further develop these qualities. Whether it's a yen for writing, a desire to work with animals or an interest in handicrafts is unimportant. You must take what encouragement you get and run with it. With your loved one at your side, you can reach heights you never dreamed possible. It's one thing to believe in yourself; it's quite another when someone believes in you too.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Splash out on some new items for your wardrobe. You've always had a deep appreciation for items that are well made from beautiful materials. Instead of going in for the latest fads, you have a strong knowledge of which styles look best in you. That's why you are able to always look smart. It's more important for you to choose colours and cuts that flatter your natural good looks than blend in with the crowd. Go ahead and spend a little more money than usual.

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Falling head over heels in love is a distinct possibility. Connecting with someone you knew a long time ago will trigger some powerful emotions. You'll feel like you can communicate without exchanging a word. Everything you want to know will be broadcasting in each other's eyes. Are you already in a relationship? You'll feel like you've embarked on a second honeymoon together. It's a great time to go on a luxurious trip for two. Visit a somewhere you can rest, relax and forget work.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Spending time with a beloved relative will be gratifying. You'll enjoy reliving old times. Going through photo albums and mementoes will trigger some powerful memories. You might even be inspired to begin an art project that reflects your childhood experiences. If you have a strained relationship with your family, concentrate on building a support network from friends, neighbours and colleagues. Having people on whom you can rely is critical to your well-being. It isn't healthy to be a loner.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You know how to engage people in a charming way. This is a great time to cultivate new business, find love and promote your interests. Don't hesitate to poke fun at yourself. It's always enchanting when an accomplished person like you can laugh at your own foibles. If someone is teasing you maliciously, keep your head held high. Your gracious attitude will attract a legion of fans. Eventually, your bully will shrivel up like a salted snail and slink away.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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More money for luxuries is pouring in; stop depriving yourself. Shopping for creature comforts will be a guilty pleasure. That's because you don't want to be seen as a materialistic person. You have nothing to fear. Everybody knows you care more about people than possessions. Giving yourself an occasional treat won't change that perception. Go ahead and buy some new clothes, upgrade your phone or purchase a handsome status symbol.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You are gentle, warm and affectionate. Attracting the love you desire will be easy. If you're single, be discriminating about the company you keep. Instead of pursuing someone you admire, let them come after you. By holding yourself in high esteem, you'll command respect. Are you already in a relationship? Let your amour lavish you with tender loving care. Stop resisting your partner's attempts to put you on a pedestal. You are a wonderful person; let others celebrate your wonderfulness.

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